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The man’s bloodshot eyes overflowed with killing intent as he looked at Jennie, wishing he could swallow her whole. “So this was your doing, after all, mute girl. You made my brother a human vegetable,” he cried, pointing his stick in Jennie’s direction, “Come on, boys! Let’s get her! Do not let her walk out of here alive!”

Jennie quickly typed in her text-to-speech. “Leave now. All of you. I’ve called the cops—unless you wanna make a trip down the station.”

When he heard the distant sirens getting closer and closer, his face grew gloomy. He glared at Jennie and warned, “It’s your lucky day, mute. Just wait. I’ll be back for you. The next time I see you, it’ll be an eye for an eye.”

Ji-hyang watched the gang leader leave with his thugs. Frustrated, she gritted her teeth—once again, Jennie had walked away safely.

It's a good thing Ji-hyang had it all on video—she filmed it secretly before, and Jennie didn’t deny any of the claims. Now that Ji-hyang had evidence, she’d be patient for when the time would come.

Jennie’s expression was bone-freezing as she shot a gaze towards the two idiots. Then, she marched towards her bike.

Selugi caught her provocative stare, of course. He ditched Ji-hyang and caught up to her. “What were you trying to say, mute? I saw you mumbling. Were you cursing?”

Sat on the motorbike, Jennie typed the words, “I’m not talking to a dumb*ss.”

Instantly, Selugi blew a fuse. “What did you say?”

Jennie only gave him a ridiculous look. She took the time to edit the text on her phone and pressed play. “Didn’t Ji-hyang say her agency prohibits dating? And here you are, being on her back burner. Who’s the dumb one now?”

Selugi tightened his jaw, spitting his words through his mouth, “I’m not a back burner. I don’t have a crush on her, and I’m certainly not head over heels over someone else like you do.”

It surprised Jennie, and half of her anger vanished. She asked, “If you don’t have a crush on her, why did you speak up for her? Why did you defend her?”

“That’s on me. And what about that?” Something unreadable flew across Selugi’s eyes before he took Ji-hyang’s hand and walked the opposite way. The reason for his unconditional goodwill towards the girl was that she’d once saved him from drowning when he was little. He couldn’t just sit by and do nothing since she was his life savior—he felt the need to protect her.

Expression ashen, Ji-hyang nodded—she thought Selugi did all that because he liked her. It was Jennie who’d saved him, but Ji-hyang claimed the credit instead. Selugi wouldn’t have befriended Ji-hyang in the first place if it hadn’t been for that.

Jennie watched the couple leave, puzzled—what made Selugi so loyal towards Ji-hyang anyway?

Then, the origin of the thunderous engine noises closed in on Selugi and Ji-hyang. When the bikers saw cuts and bruises on his face, they started mocking him.

“Yo. If this isn’t our school bully, Young Master Kang?”

“He comes from an influential family. How did he get beaten up like this? Did he do this to himself because he’s going to chicken out from the competition?”

“Focus, people. We’re here on business today.”

“Yeah. We’ll strip him of his bike riding and make him feel worse than nothing but trash! Mwahaha!”

All of the bikers laughed out loud. They then hopped off their bikes, pulling out their daggers and pointing the tip to Selugi. “Consider this your unlucky day, kiddo. We’re here on someone else’s orders.”

When Jennie saw this, she heaved a sigh of relief—though inappropriate. What she had witnessed before was different from her prophecy, and she had thought it was her brain fried. But now, she was almost glad because her vision was working.

For the next half an hour, those men would beat him up, severing his tendons one by one and carving derogatory words on his skin before Felix would come to his rescue.

Since the bikers wore helmets, they only revealed their merciless gazes. Though Selugi couldn’t know who they were, he still put on a brave face. “You know my family.. Aren’t any of you afraid of the consequences? If you hurt me?”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now