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Suddenly, something struck Felix, and he did not feel as wronged as just now anymore. His annual salary was tens of millions, yet he worked as an errand boy. But the chairman's salary was in the tens of billions, yet he was there feeding his wife.

After feeding Jennie, Lisa picked up a handkerchief to wipe her lips.

He looked at Jennie, who was already slumped in the chair and said coldly.

"Get up and exercise with me so that you can digest the food."

Jennie was already feeling extremely uncomfortable. She immediately picked up her phone and quickly typed on it to protest.

"Are you going to make me maintain in horse stance position for another two hours?"

"I can't. I can't do it anymore. It's already difficult enough for me to walk all the way here now, and my belly..."

It was about to explode. That was what Jennie wanted to say.

Lisa squinted his eyes when he heard the word belly. He looked at Jennie seriously and said coldly.

"Don't worry. I won't make you learn martial arts anymore."

Jennie heaved a sigh of relief when she heard this. It was fine as long as she did not learn martial arts. Now, whenever she thought of the word martial arts, her thighs would flutter.

Lisa looked at Jennie indifferently and said.

"Of course, if we find out later that you're not pregnant, we still have to continue the martial arts lesson. You have to learn martial arts, no matter how difficult it is."

Jennie suddenly fell silent. She hated Lisa for mentioning that.

Jennie realized that she was in a dilemma. She wanted to get pregnant to avoid learning martial arts, but she was also afraid that getting pregnant would delay her revenge plan.

She could only type on her phone and ask.

"Erm, Boss Manoban, can I ask where are we going later?"

Lisa placed his hand in front of Jennie and said.

"Come with me."

Jennie saw Lisa's hand, and she lamented, "How could a man have such good-looking hands?"

It was alright if his hands were so good-looking, but even his face was handsome. Jennie could not help but suspect that he was not a human.

Lisa saw Jennie staring at his hands in a daze and cleared his throat impatiently.

Only then did Jennie snap out of her daze and quickly put her hand on Lisa's hand. Lisa grabbed Jennie's hand.

Holding Jennie's hand in his, Lisa felt like he was holding on to cotton.

Lisa felt that his wife's hand was soft and beautiful.

Jennie also felt weird, and her heart hammered in her.

She lowered her head and ignored the strange feeling in her. Then, she typed on the phone.

"Boss Manoban, let's make it clear first. My legs can't take it anymore, and I can't walk too far."

"So, maybe you should take me somewhere nearer to digest my food?"

Lisa glanced at Jennie and said coldly.

"Alright. Don't worry."

Even if Jennie was too tired to walk, he could still carry her back. He could go anywhere he wanted.

Jennie said nothing and wondered what Lisa meant.

She wondered if Lisa meant he would not take her far, or he would carry her back even if he took her somewhere far away.

In the end, Jennie could only pout her lips unhappily as she followed Lisa.

After walking for a while, Jennie suddenly felt something had lifted her body.

Lisa was carrying her like an adult holding a kid in his arms.

Jennie resisted the urge to curse and looked gratefully at Lisa as she typed on the phone.

"Boss Manoban, I can still walk. Won't you be tired carrying me like this? You can put me down."

What was going on in Jennie's mind was that she was not a kid, and it was embarrassing to sit in his arms like that.

Others might think she was Boss Manoban's daughter if they saw her in his arms.

"It's alright."

Lisa calmly carried Jennie and walked around the manor. He looked relaxed. Then he said coldly.

"I'm afraid we might not be able to reach the zoo garden if I let you walk there."

Jennie was speechless. It was Lisa who forced her to learn martial arts. Her legs hurt because of his martial arts lessons..



THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now