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Scandal after scandal, what made Selugi so protective over her still?

Puzzled, Jennie released the accelerator and parked the bike. She got off and removed her helmet, fingers brushing through her messy, long hair as she revealed her identity.

Something cold fleeted across Ji-hyang’s eyes. She darted back to Selugi, hiding behind him like a child clutching to its mother. Her voice trembled, “I’m scared, Selu.”

Selugi halted at the sight of Jennie, yet, his gratitude turned into ash, thinking how she didn’t escape when she had the chance. His face turned even bluer. “You dumb mute! You should’ve taken Ji-hyang and run! Why’d you stop?”

With her brows knitted tight, Jennie typed her reply in the text-to-speech, “a*shole! I came here to save you, but you were cheating on me all this while?”

Turmoil rose within the gang seconds ago because who they’d wanted was Ji-hyang all along. Just as they surrounded the three with their weapons again, their attacks paused midair, hearing the generated voice from the phone. “Aren’t you on Ji-hyang’s side?”

Jennie waved her hand, editing her frustrated reply on the phone. “Hell, no. I’m not siding with a sl*t who’s trying to steal my boyfriend!”

While Ji-hyang shot daggers at Jennie, Selugi flipped out. “What the hell are you saying? I’m not your boy—”

Ji-hyang hurriedly grabbed him before he could pounce on Jennie, cutting him off, “You can’t leave me alone, Selu. I’m scared.” Since Jennie told the thugs she didn’t know her, she would teach her a lesson once they were out of the woods. And then, she’d know her place and go back to where she came from—the countryside.

Jennie shot Ji-hyang a chilly glance—how revolting.

“Get out of here then. Stop poking your nose into other people’s business,” the gang leader urged, scowling at the pretentious Ji-hyang.

“I’m taking my boyfriend with me. Can’t you leave him alone?”

“No! They should pay for what they’ve done!”

The hatred in the man’s eyes stunned Jennie. “Would you mind telling me what my boyfriend did, mister?”

The man clenched his fists tight, nails digging into his skin, glowering at Selugi and Ji-hyang. “These two almost killed my little brother. And thanks to them, my brother’s in a vegetative state in the hospital. We can never talk, walk or travel together again,” he paused, eyes stained red, “I’m going to break these *ssholes’ legs, cut off their tongues, dig out their eyes so they can have a taste of their own medicine.”

Jennie covered her mouth with her hand while Selugi’s eyes darted back and forth among the men, alert. Ji-hyang shivered in fear, and she held onto Selugi’s waist tighter, body pressing against his.

Jennie had a hunch Selugi wasn’t involved—in her past life, she’d never heard of the two causing such trouble. Or maybe, Ji-hyang did this with someone else.

Looking at the man with sincerity, she hit play on her phone. “That sounds nothing like my boyfriend, mister. He wouldn’t even hurt an ant, not to mention something so brutal. Think about it—could this all be a misunderstanding?”

“A misunderstanding? Sounds like he deceived you, kiddo..”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now