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Jennie’s silver needles were stained with a lot of poison. It would be a piece of cake to cause the victim not to be recognised by the mother.

Max’s face turned ashen when he heard this. He wished that he could skin Jennie right now to vent his anger. “Let me tell you, if it wasn’t for...”

Before he could finish her sentence, Lisa said, “Max, one month’s bonus will be deducted.”

His cold voice carried supreme dignity as he spat out a few words coldly, causing Max to be stunned on the spot.

“Get out.”

Max was too impulsive. He did not even notice the cold glint in Jennie’s hand. If he ever realised it, he would probably be so embarrassed.

When Max heard Lisa’s order, he did not dare to say anything. He could only agree and walked out with his laptop.

When he passed by Jennie, he glared at Jennie angrily. This d*mn b*itch, she caused me to lose a month’s worth of bonus. I must get revenge.

Jennie saw Max’s gaze and quickly typed on her phone.

“What, do you want to drink pee now? I’m not in a good mood right now and I don’t want to watch.”

When Max heard this, he stopped in his tracks. He resisted the thought of beating Jennie to death and left quickly.

At this moment, Jennie also realized that Lisa did not seem to believe that she was the one who had defeated Solar which made her even angrier.

Now, she just wanted to go home to calm down and see what she should do next.

Even though that was what she thought, she still quickly typed on her phone, pressed the sound button, and started to explain.

“Lisa, I really helped you guys pushed Kim back. Moreover, I’ve said before that I don’t need any conditions. I just want to be friends with you.”

“But if you guys don’t believe me, I have no other choice. I’ll be leaving first.”

Jennie waved her little hand coldly and prepared to leave.

Lisa looked at Jennie coldly. That perfect little face was filled with collagen and youthful vigor.

His gaze kept moving. Jennie was dressed in loose sportswear and he remembered that unforgettable night.

When Jennie was about to reach the door, Bambam, who was stunned watching everything, slowly came back to his senses.

Bambam’s expression was a little ugly, but it was complicated. He grabbed Jennie.

“Are you mute? Is that why you’re using your phone to talk?”

Jennie looked at Bambam as if she was looking at an idiot. Was it not obvious?

“You’re stating the obvious. If I could talk, why would I use my phone!”

“Let go of me now!”

Jennie tried her best to break free from Bambam’s hand.

“I’m not letting go. What on earth are you...”

Bambam was halfway through his sentence when a cold light brushed past the back of his hand. He had no choice but to let go.

Jennie immediately strode out, not wanting to stay any longer.

“Pretty girl, what’s the rush? I...”

When Bambam saw Jennie leave, he immediately wanted to chase after her.

Lisa’s gaze coldly swept over Bambam as he coldly spat out a few words.


This useless guy really wanted to die. He actually dared to touch Lisa’s woman.

When Bambam Heard Lisa’s voice, he looked over with a puzzled expression.

“Brother, why did you call me? If there’s nothing else, I can go chase after that young girl!”

“Go to the training room. I’ll let felix see if you’ve fallen behind recently.”

Lisa said this coldly.

When Bambam heard this, his face instantly turned pale and he was terrified.

“Brother, my good brother, I still have to rely on my face to make a living. Don’t be so cruel, right?”

felix was not only the butler, but he was also the captain of the bodyguards. His martial prowess was quite high. If he were to be placed outside, he would be an SS level expert.

Lisa said nonchalantly, “Then, I’ll personally examine you. How about it?”

Bambam’s head kept shaking like a rattle drum. Lisa’s martial prowess was even higher than felix’s.

If felix were to teach him a lesson, he would at most be down for a few months. If he were to let Lisa do it, he would probably have to wait for Lisa to pay his respects to him in the future.

“About that, brother, I still have something very important to take care of. I’ll come and see you again when I have time.”

No matter what, he had to run first to avoid being beaten to death by Lisa.

Lisa did not intend to let him go just like that. felix appeared in time and took Bambam away.

Not long after, screams and wails came from the training room.


“Can you not hit my face?”

“felix, Brother Tian, let me go...”

“I know I’m wrong, I really know I’m wrong...”

Two hours later, Bambam, whose face had been slapped until he looked like a pig’s head, appeared in Lisa’s room again. His arms were in casts. It seemed like he had been badly beaten by felix.

Bambam looked at Lisa on the bed and said pitifully, “Brother, I’m already like this now. Can you let me go back please?”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now