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'Lisa's face was cold, but his ears were blushing. He had no idea what his dumb wife was doing.

There were so many people around, yet she touched his butt with her legs.

Jennie blinked her eyes at Lisa rapidly and used lip language to communicate.

"Can't you feel the words I wrote on your butt just now?"

Lisa and the others looked at Jennie in a puzzle. They were confused and wondered what Jennie was trying to say.

The young man was speechless. He doubted Jennie's eyesight.

'Felix was also confused. He wondered if Jennie was trying to flirt with Lisa, but it seemed that she was not good at it.

The security personnel were dumbfounded and wondered if Jennie had lost her mind.

Lisa noticed that something was wrong with Jennie's eyes. He asked coldly.

"What are you trying to do?"

When Jennie heard this, she was instantly enraged. She kicked Lisa's butt hard again.

Jennie felt that Lisa was dumb. She had been writing with her legs, yet he did not get what she meant.

Her legs were so tired, yet Lisa had no idea she was writing. Frustration surged over her.

Lisa grabbed Jennie's leg and asked coldly. His ears were still blushing.

"What do you want?"

Jennie had been flirting with that young man earlier when he barged in. He wondered if Jennie was trying to spare the young man's life.

Lisa was heartbroken when he thought Jennie was protecting another man.

However, Lisa remained calm and controlled his emotions. He asked coldly, word by word.

"Are you asking me to spare this young man's life?"

Lisa sounded angry. Jennie shook her head helplessly.

Jennie looked at her arms. Did Lisa not see that she was injured?

Jennie had no idea why Lisa would think she wanted to spare the young man's life. She wondered if Lisa had ever thought that maybe the young man kidnapped her.

Jennie did not know that Lisa had lost his mind when he saw the young man hugging and trying to kiss Jennie.

Lisa only wanted to kill that young man. He did not even look at her arms.

Lisa followed Jennie's gaze and saw that Jennie had casts on her arms. He immediately squatted down beside Jennie.

"Jennie, what happened to your arms?" His usually cold face was now filled with concern and anger as he asked coldly.

"How did your hands become like this? Why are you in casts? Who did this to you?"

Jennie was speechless. She felt that Lisa should pay more attention to his surroundings.

However, Lisa was asking nonsense. Of course, she had injured her arms. Otherwise, why would she have casts on her arms?

Lisa carefully checked Jennie's injuries. His anger grew.

"Who did this to you?"

Jennie could not speak. She looked at Lisa's butt and blinked non-stop, silently gesturing to him to move his butt closer to her so that she could write on it.

Lisa did not understand what Jennie meant at all. He just looked at the young man coldly and questioned.

"Did that guy do this to you?"

Jennie was about to shake her head to indicate that it had nothing to do with that young man, but Felix interrupted.

"Chairman, it must be this guy."

"Moreover, it must be this guy trying to force himself on madam. Madam resisted, and that's why her arm is injured."

'Lisa dashed toward the young man when Felix said that.

He looked at the young man coldly and with murderous intent as he asked.

"How dare you hurt my woman! Tell me, how do you want me to kill you?"

Jennie looked at Felix speechlessly. She had no idea why a butler would have such a rich imagination.

She wanted to write on Lisa's butt, but he was now far away from her, thanks to Felix.

The young man looked at Lisa as if he was the devil from Hell. Lisa instantly appeared in front of him, which was abnormal. He shook his head and said.

"It's a misunderstanding. I'm still so young, and I don't want to die."

Just as the young man spoke, Lisa punched him. The young man knew Lisa wanted to kill him with that punch..


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now