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"What kind of person is Ji-hyang? She has always been a scheming b*tch. Only you would be foolish enough to believe her!"

"To the extent of unfriending me!"

"I will never forgive you. Just give up!"

Hearing this, Jennie came to her senses and immediately typed on her phone and showed the message to Rosé.

"Rosie, this was all my fault. I'm sorry."

"I mistook you for trash and that femme fatale, Ji-hyang, as my sister."

"However, I've already unfriended her. We are at a point in life and death and I will not let you down again."

"Rosie, let's make up, okay?"

After reading these, Rosé raised her head smugly, blinked and snorted,

"If you say we're reconciled, we're reconciled. Don't think that I will just forgive you and then help you."

Noticing Rosie's serious expression, Jennie quickly typed on her phone and showed Rosé the message.

"That's right. You are right. The things I've done are not easily forgiven. "

"But I don't need you to speak up for me. I would like to make amends after all this is over by treating you to a delicious meal. Is this all right?"

Rosé thought that Jennie, being her proud self, chose not to humble herself. So, she replied,

"If you beg me, I might put in a good word for you..."

Jennie smiled and waved off Rosie's offer.

"Student Jennie, please come to the podium now. Student Jennie, do you hear me?"

The principal's angry voice boomed through the public announcement system.

There was a commotion at the class line when students in Jennie's class realized that she was not there.

This cowardly piece of trash. Could she have run away?

Just as this thought flashed through their minds, Jennie walked from another class to the podium.

What is going on? Why did this Little Mute appear from another class?

Rosé looked anxiously at Jennie who was about to walk to the podium. Why didn't she ask for her help?

Rosé was extremely anxious as she watched Jennie calmly approach the podium.

The principal looked at the nonchalant Jennie and became furious. His face was livid as he roared angrily,

"Jennie, why are you still indifferent? Don't you know what shameful things you've done? You're so young. How can you be so vicious?"

The eldest daughter of the Lee family, Chaeryeong, was the school's greatest treasure.

Jennie was at most a child from a second-rate family, yet she had the galls to scheme against Chaeryeong. This was outrageous!

Jennie remained calm. She typed on her phone and text-to-voice read,

"I don't know. I'm not evil. My heart is exceedingly kind. Thank you."

The principal was so angry that he was speechless for a moment.

Now that there is evidence, a direct confrontation or accusation will do. It's unimaginable that Jennie can produce any fancy defense. The principal said angrily,

"Jennie, you are so shameless and have no respect for your teachers. I am now informing you that you have been expelled."

The conversation between the two shocked all teachers and students.

With just one sentence, the principal completed the expulsion ceremony. Jennie was probably the only one given such treatment.

With past student expulsions, the principal typically talked for hours, and the ceremonies ended with tears of regret.

Jennie quickly typed on her phone and said,

"Why should I be expelled? What did I do wrong? If I'm being expelled, you should at least give me a good reason, right?"

Hearing this, the principal got angrier and yelled,

"Reason, isn't there enough on the forum? First, you let these thugs humiliate Student Lee."

"Secondly, you pretended to save Chaeryeong to win her favor."

"And the third reason is you disrespecting your teachers and principal."

"These three reasons make serious offences. Expelling you is already giving you face.. I could have gone to the police."



THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now