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“Ji-hyang, I don’t understand. You’re so outstanding but your sister is so …” Pang Rui held Ji-hyang’s arm and said, looking completely like a lackey.

A young man walked over. His handsome appearance was actually somewhat similar to Hou Hao’s, the only difference being his temperament.

Hou Hao was a sunny boy, but this person had a hint of gloom and darkness.

“Hou Shang.”

When Chaeryeong saw Hou Shang, a hint of shyness flashed across her beautiful face. However, she was still proud and greeted Hou Shang with anticipation.

When Hou Shang heard Chaeryeong’s smoky voice, he immediately frowned.

He looked at Ji-hyang who was beside Chaeryeong and said to her with an impatient face. “Chaeryeong, if you don’t enter the classroom, you’ll be late.”

Ji-hyang wore light makeup today with a trace of gratitude, shyness, and fear. She looked at Hou Shang and said, “Hou Shang, thank you for reminding us.”

Hou Shang looked at the shy Ji-hyang, and a strange light flashed in his eyes. The corners of his mouth curled up into a devilish smile as he sized up Ji-hyang’s figure and said, “You’re welcome. If you want to thank me next time, show me your sincerity.”

Ji-hyang naturally knew what Hou Shang meant. She shyly lowered her head and whispered, “We’ll go to class first. I’ll treat you to a meal next time.”

Chaeryeong, who was too shy to raise her head, did not notice anything unusual between Hou Shang and Ji-hyang.

Instead, she held Ji-hyang’s hand and waved at Hou Shang before running to the classroom.

Pang Rui, who had been forgotten by the side, also looked at Hou Shang curiously before following Ji-hyang and Ji-hyang to the classroom.

This Hou Shang was Chaeryeong’s fiance. Why did he keep staring at Ji-hyang?

Lisa, who was extremely furious, returned to the manor immediately with a terrifying aura, waiting for Jennie to be brought back.

Felix and a group of security guards escorted Jennie and Selugi back here ten minutes later.

As soon as they entered the living room, the two of them immediately felt the cold and terrifying aura that was akin to the devil.

“All of you, stand down.”

Lisa’s cold voice carried supreme pressure and absolute authority as he gave the order like an emperor.

Felix and the group of security guards immediately left in an orderly manner.

At this moment, Jennie also realized that Lisa, who was sitting on the sofa, was in a really bad mood. He was like a bloodthirsty devil from hell.

Jennie was so scared that she could not control herself. She sneaked out with the security guards.

Lisa’s face was even gloomier when he saw this scene. He stared at Jennie and when he saw that she was about to run out. He stood up and said coldly, “What are you doing? Little mute, I told them to leave, but I didn’t allow you to run away.”

Jennie immediately panicked. When she saw Lisa come closer, she quickly took out her phone and typed.

“I didn’t run. Didn’t you ask everyone to get out?”

Lisa’s expression darkened. Was this mute really stupid, or was she just playing dumb with him?

“Jennie, my uncle told those security guards to get out, not you.”

Selugi quickly grabbed Jennie’s hand, wanting to drag her back quickly. He could not disobey his uncle.

An icy gaze fell on the hands they were holding.

Selugi was so scared that he quickly let her go and looked at his uncle in confusion. Usually, his uncle wouldn’t treat him like this.

“Uncle, what’s going on?”

Could it be that he wanted to date Jennie and his uncle didn’t approve?

“Come and sit down.”

Lisa saw that Selugi had let go of his hand, and his expression was slightly better, but it was still extremely gloomy.

When Jennie heard Lisa’s order, she immediately walked over obediently and sat opposite Lisa.

As for Selugi, who had already fallen in love with Jennie, in order to be closer to Jennie, he followed Jennie and sat beside her.

“Uncle, why did you suddenly call us back? Is there something you need me to do? We still have class. What do you want? Tell me now!”

Lisa looked at the confused Selugi and suppressed his desire to tear him apart.

“What’s the relationship between the two of you?”

“Nothing at all. We’re just ordinary classmates.”

Jennie’s desire to survive was bursting as she quickly explained on the phone.

Lisa had asked her to keep their marriage a secret.. Could it be that he was angry because she sometimes called Selugi her nephew?


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now