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It was unknown if the principal was tired from kneeling or if he had become bolder, he reminded loudly, as

"Student Jennie, mind your words and actions. The teachers and students are watching!"

If he dared not confront Boss Manoban, he could confront Jennie? The principal was secretly pleased with his wit.

Hearing the reminder, Jennie blushed as she pushed Lisa away and awkwardly typed on her phone.

Lisa felt a little depressed and lost when Jennie pushed him away.

He looked at the principal coldly, his eyes filled displeasure and threat. The principal was so scared that he immediately took a step back and pretended to be an ostrich; as if he did not see anything.

When the math teacher, Zhang Mingming, saw their hostility, he wanted to take the opportunity to have Jennie expelled from school. He said with ill intentions,

"Boss Manoban, I wonder, what is your relationship with Student Jennie?"

Could it be that Jennie was Lisa's mistress? But on the school forum he was depicted as an old man!

If she was not his lover, why would Boss Manoban defend her?

Lisa eyed the math teacher sharply. With a killer stare, he said coldly,

"Who do you think you are? How dare you ask me about my business?"

In the presence of Manoban's powerful aura, the domineering words and under immense pressure, Zhang Mingming's face turned pale. He cowered in fear and stopped talking.

Jennie gazed past the pale Wang Qiang, then Ji-hyang, who was waiting for the drama to unfold, and finally at Devil Manoban in front of her.

Raising his palm, she quickly wrote on it.

"Um, boss, I have something to discuss with you."

Hearing this, Lisa eyed Jennie coldly, confused. This girl, what does she need to discuss right now?

Jennie saw Felix's anxious expression and quickly wrote on Lisa's palm.

"Butler Manoban seems very anxious. Please hurry back to work. If I can't solve this myself, I'll immediately get you to come back and help me."

Lisa's expression was cold, and the air around him turned cold too.

She still wanted him to leave. Could it be that he, Lisa, was so unpresentable? He looked at the Little Mute and said coldly,"What? Do you not want me here? Or do you think that I'm too old and this embarrassed you?"

When Jennie heard this, her heart skipped a beat. She was afraid to anger Devil Manoban. Even if she had immense courage, she would not dare! She quickly wrote on his palm to comfort him,

Chapter 153: Digging a Hole

It was unknown if the principal was tired from kneeling or if he had become bolder, he reminded loudly,

"Student Jennie, mind your words and actions. The teachers and students are watching!"

If he dared not confront Boss Manoban, he could confront Jennie? The principal was secretly pleased with his wit.

Hearing the reminder, Jennie blushed as she pushed Lisa away and awkwardly typed on her phone.

Lisa felt a little depressed and lost when Jennie pushed him away.

He looked at the principal coldly, his eyes filled displeasure and threat. The principal was so scared that he immediately took a step back and pretended to be an ostrich; as if he did not see anything.

THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now