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When Jennie heard Max, her delicate little face darkened.

When Lisa saw Jennie’s furrowed brows, he said coldly, “When I do things, when is it your turn to judge me?”

This cold voice made Max sit back in his seat obediently and admitted his mistake with cold sweat all over his body. “Chairman, I was wrong.”

It was all because of this d*mn Jennie, who could not speak and was still a demon that could bewitch the heart of the monarch.

She had only known our chairman for a few days and had already turned the wise and mighty chairman into a stupid monarch. He had to think of a way to not let the chairman continue to be bewitched by this little demon.

If the chairman wanted to marry, then Chaeryeong, the eldest daughter of the Lee family, one of the four great aristocratic families, would be a perfect match for the chairman.

Chaeryeong had been carefully groomed since she was young, and she had been infatuated with their chairman ever since she was young.

For the sake of the chairman, she had even given up the position of the head of the Lee family, only learning how to be a good mistress.

After Chaeryeong finished her studies, she even joined the Manoban family’s company, wholeheartedly working for the chairman.

Previously, when Lisa had reprimanded Max, Jennie had also noticed Max’s hostility towards her. In order to have one less enemy, Jennie had kept silent.

She already had too many enemies, and she did not want to have one more.

Especially since this enemy was Lisa’s confidant. If she offended him, she would probably be punished for a long time.

The moment Max stopped the car, Jennie immediately got out and strode towards the villa.

When she reached the living room, she heard a cold and charming voice.

“Have you thought about it?”

Jennie’s heart skipped a beat when she heard that. She looked at Lisa in surprise. Could it be that it was still about the wedding?

Since she was already so despised by Max, Lisa would probably change his mind about marrying her, right?

After all, after reprimanding Max, Lisa had not said a single word to her. He had not even brought up the previous topic.

Lisa’s devilish face carried a hint of coldness as he tugged at his collar with one hand.


This “hmm” clearly carried a hint of coldness and impatience. Jennie blinked nervously as well.

She took out her phone and typed quickly in a panic.

“Are you really sure that you’re willing to marry me now?”

Lisa frowned and the aura around him dropped by another level.

“Wasn’t that what you asked for?”

“What, are you going back on your word now?”

As soon as he said that, the air around him dropped by a few degrees again, making Jennie shudder as if she had fallen into a world of ice and snow.

It was as if if Jennie dared to say no or give an answer that he was not satisfied with, he would immediately tear Jennie into pieces.

Jennie could not help but swallow her saliva under this powerful and terrifying aura. She held the phone and typed with a trembling voice.

“No, I’m just afraid that you’ll regret it.”

“Compared to you, who is so outstanding to the point of no return, I also feel that assistant Max’s words are quite right.”

Lisa raised his brows and said, “You’re quite self-aware.”

Jennie’s expression was a little displeased. Damn it, I have already said it, could you just praise me a little?

Besides, you could not tell I’m being modest?

“Do you want the wedding to be chinese-style or western-style?”

Seeing that Jennie did not speak, Lisa asked indifferently with a tone that could not be rejected.

“Or should I say all of them?”

Jennie’s heart was in a mess. Oh my god, this was too fast. She had planned to discuss the wedding tomorrow, but she was not mentally prepared for it today.

Although Jennie was the one who suggested the marriage first, could she go back on her word?

If she suddenly went back on her word now, would Lisa feel that she did not know what was good for her?

Lisa looked at Jennie’s absent-minded look and she did not answer his question. Instead, he said domineeringly.

“Did you bring the household register?”

Jennie was stunned and looked at Lisa with a face full of question marks. They just talked about marriage and why did he talk about the household register?

Lisa also understood Jennie’s question and said calmly, “Let’s register the marriage first.”

“As for what kind of wedding, you can think about it slowly.”

Jennie’s eyes widened as she looked at Lisa’s devilishly handsome face that could turn all living things upside down. She could not react for a moment.

Get married first?

Was this too fast? Even riding a rocket would not be this fast.

What should she do? Her heartbeat seemed to be out of control, and she was still a little flustered. What was going on?

When Jennie did not answer, Lisa’s face turned cold, and a cold aura suddenly assaulted her.

The powerful pressure and cold aura made Jennie wake up from her shock and panic.

She used her trembling little hand to type a long paragraph on her phone.

“Well, my household register is not with me, and I want to make things clear to you.”

“Asking you to marry me is only a temporary measure.”

“I also know that you don’t like me.. Rest assured, I don’t like you either.”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now