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Lisa’s cold eyes looked at Jennie thoughtfully.

She seemed to be angry.

When Jennie heard Lisa’s concerned words, she raised her head and smiled sweetly. She waved her hand to indicate that she was fine.

Then, she immediately sent Solar a message.

“Solar, get someone to attack Manoban Company’s network immediately. I’ll tell you where the loophole is.”

The invisible Solar almost screamed when she saw Jennie’s message. She quickly went online and asked.

“Leader, are you taking things too hard?”

“Even if you want to die, don’t drag us along, okay?”

“We’re both young, we still have a lot of days to go. At worst, we can burn some hell money for you so that you don’t have to worry about money anymore.”

Solar wanted to continue complaining, but she saw a message from Jennie.

“Solar, look, don’t you want to make a fortune driving a Lamborghini, Ferrari, and other sports cars?”

“You believe in your Sister Kim, Sister Kim will definitely bring you a lot of money!”

Solar saw the lines which sounded like a pyramid scheme, and she was very disdainful, but she still obediently deleted those rebellious words.

Then, she typed out a single word.


Kim was Sister Kim's code name. Solar was not only a liaison, but also the leader when Jennie was not around. Jennie did not hide her gender from her and even told her her surname.

Although she did not tell her her full name, she felt very honored. Seeing Sister Kim these two words, she knew how much the leader valued her. She treated her as her own sister. At this time, she was giving her a hand and taking her to greater heights to become a rich woman.

When Jennie saw Solar’s affirmative reply, she immediately typed, “Since you want to, then do as I say.”

Solar was silent when she saw this. Did the leader want to die?

Manoban Corporation was a giant in the business world. It was no exaggeration to say that it was a giant dragon that no one dared to offend.

As long as they wanted to live, they would not dare to make a move against Manoban Corporation.

“Why are you pretending to be dead?”

Jennie waited for a long time. When she saw that there was no news from Solar, she frowned and sent a message.

Lisa watched as Jennie sent messages to others and ignored him. His already cold face turned even colder.

“Who are you talking to?”

When Jennie heard Lisa’s extremely cold words, she looked at Lisa in confusion. She quickly exited the chat and typed obediently to explain.

“I’m chatting with a netizen. We’ve played a game together before.”

She could not just say that she was looking for someone to attack Devil Manoban's company, right?

Solar did not reply. Perhaps she had been stood up too many times and did not quite believe her.

In a while, she would tell Solar about the plan. Solar should trust her then.

When Lisa heard Jennie’s explanation, his expression turned even colder. The cold aura around him surged, causing Jennie to fall into the ice cellar instantly.

Damn little mute, ignoring him and just chatting with a netizen?

Jennie shuddered and typed nervously.

“The weather is really changeable. Temperature’s suddenly dropping. It’s so cold!”

Lisa suppressed the anger and jealousy in his heart and asked coldly.

“What game do you play?”

Jennie was stunned. The last time she played a game was in her past life. Ever since she was reborn, she had never played a game before.

She remembered that in her past life, the game she had helped develop had once been a national craze.

She had also tried playing a max-level account. In the end, it was because Ouyang Rui did not like games that she deleted her account and gave up her favorite e-sports.

When Lisa saw that Jennie did not speak, he scoffed, “Only children like to play games. Childish.”

When Jennie heard Lisa’s words, she remembered that she had been reborn now. That she could save the regrets of her previous life.

When she thought of this, Jennie’s heart suddenly burned with passion. She looked at Lisa sternly and typed out a rebuttal.

“Who said only children play games? Let me tell you, I’m playing a game called Escape From Death. It’s thrilling and exciting. It’s super fun!”

Lisa held his phone and asked nonchalantly, “Oh, then what’s your name in that game?”

“What do you want to do?”

Jennie was a little guarded as she typed to question him.

Lisa still looked cold as he said without looking up, “I’m just going to take a look.”

“What’s there to see? It’s just a game name. Besides, didn’t you say that only children play games?”

Jennie looked at Lisa nervously. He would not be like Ouyang Rui in her previous life who hated games and then force her to delete that max-level account from Escape From Death, right?


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now