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"The chairman also said that you can't protect yourself right now. He will try his best to return home before you end school this evening."

"Okay, madam, you can rest assured now. Enjoy your day at school!"

Jennie said nothing. She could not rest assured. Nervousness had overtaken her last night, and she had forgotten to contact Solar.

She had made up her mind to contact Solar after school.

Jennie had been paying attention in class, and time flew by. In the blink of an eye, it was time to go home.

Jennie did not leave her seat because her leg hurts.

But for some reason, she drank a lot of water today. So she could only slowly walk to the bathroom.

The pain in Jennie's legs almost made her fall in the bathroom.

However, when she thought about how Lisa would train her as a devil trainer, she frowned and pondered. She didn't want Lisa to torture her in training, so she could only go to the school park to study and stall some time.

She could walk back whenever she felt hungry.

So, Jennie found a quiet and discreet place and sat down with her back against the tree. She took out a book from her bag and read.

Jennie did not realize that the big tree had blocked her from view.

After a while, Jennie was reading when she suddenly heard Ji-hyang's disgusting coquettish voice coming from not far away.

"Brother Hou, are you sure you want to chaeryeong tonight?"

"But, she is your fiancée. Are you sure you want to do this to her? Don't you feel bad?"

Hou Shang hugged Ji-hyang's waist and looked at her body.

"You still have the nerve to say that? chaeryeong is your best friend, and aren't you seducing her fiancé now?"

Ji-hyang acted coquettishly and said.

"I love you! All I can do is let you kiss me and make you happy..."

Hou Shang looked at Ji-hyang's sexy curves greedily.

His grip on Ji-hyang's waist grew tighter. He did not care if anyone was around and kissed Ji-hyang's lips.

Then, Jennie heard some panting sounds and giggles.

Jennie hesitated. She did not know if she should get up and interrupt. Ji-hyang and Hou Shang, who was despicable and mean, might kill her if she interrupted.

However, when she thought of their conversation just now, she knew they wanted to harm chaeryeong that night.

Those disgusting images from her last birth when Jennie met chaeryeong flashed through her mind. Ji-hyang was so despicable that it disgusted Jennie even when she recalled it.

However, Jennie did not want Ji-hyang to deceive chaeryeong.

But, it was a difficult decision. If Jennie made a move, perhaps chaeryeong's life would not be as miserable as it was in Jennie's last birth, but Jennie would have to pay the price for rescuing chaeryeong.

If Jennie did not stop it from happening, she could not save chaeryeong.

Jennie took a deep breath and stood up. But just as she was about to show herself, she heard Ji-hyang's protest.

"Brother Hou Shang, please stop."

Ji-hyang nervously wore her clothes as if she were not doing it out of her will. Then she looked at Hou Shang, feeling wronged.

Hou Shang's was burning with desire, and there was a trace of anger in his gaze as he looked at Ji-hyang and questioned.

"Why did you stop me? We are almost there. Why should I stop? Why can't I do it with you? Why did you seduce me if you don't want me to do it?"

It frustrated Hou Shang that Ji-hyang stopped him after arousing his desire. They have kissed and cuddled. So, he could not understand why Ji-hyang stopped him there.

Ji-hyang looked at the anxious Hou Shang and sneered silently. She knew men like Hou Shang would not cherish her if he had already slept with her.

Therefore, Ji-hyang had to make Hou Shang yearn for her and get all his attention.

Hou Shang was Hou Hao's brother and had the right to inherit the Hou family. Selugi no longer wanted her. Now, she had to hold on to Hou Shang.

When Hou Shang completely fell in love with her and married her, she would get rid of Hou Hao.

Then, Ji-hyang would be the madam of the most powerful person in the Hou family. She would have the power and wealth she wanted. So she said coquettishly.

"Brother Hou Shang, I've been raised with strict rules since I was young. My parents often tell me that I can only sleep with the person I love on my wedding night.."



THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now