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Jennie almost burst into tears when she heard Rosé's voice. She quickly spoke into the phone.

"Rosie, it's me... Jennie."

"What? Jennie, how is that possible? Jennie can't even speak. Who are you? Why are you lying to me?"

Jennie smiled wryly when she heard Rosé's words.

"Rosie, this... this matter is a little complicated. Come find me and we will talk when we meet. I'm at the Manoban family's... manor."

Rosé coldly told her that she wouldn't go and was about to hang up the phone when Jennie quickly said, "Rosie, both my arms are broken and I'm using my feet to call you. I need your help with something, Is that okay?"

Jennie wanted Rosé to find out where Bambam had gone.

Also, who was the girl she saved that day? Why was she chased by those people to the point where she had to resort to jumping down?

Jennie realized that the girl's escape was probably related to the wounds on her body.

Girls were naturally vulnerable. There were many girls in this world who were forced to do things they shouldn't do every day.

Therefore, Jennie needed to know what was going on as soon as possible so that she could save the girl.

According to the girl's condition and the words she was mumbling to herself, the girl might just be one of the victims.

Thinking of this, Jennie said seriously, "Rosie, this matter is very important. You're the only one who can help me with this now. Can you please help me?"

Rosé, who was about to ignore Jennie, suddenly became worried when she heard Jennie say that both of her arms were broken.

Rosé said, "Wait for me. I'll be there in a bit."

After saying this, Rosé hung up the phone and drove the family's sports car as fast as she could to get to the manor.

After dozens of minutes, Rosé brought Jennie back to her house and helped Jennie take a bath.

Then, she arranged for someone to do what Jennie had asked of her.

Although Rosé was cold towards Jennie, she still made a bowl of noodles for Jennie during dinner.

Jennie was touched as she ate the noodles.

"Rosie, when I'm a man in my next life, I'll definitely marry you."(A/N: me too🙋‍♀️)

Rosé stopped moving her chopsticks and looked coldly at Jennie.

Only now did this brat realize how good she was.

Rosé said calmly, "You only know how to talk. You still..."

Before she could finish, she was interrupted by a cold, devil-like voice.

"Little Mute, who said you could leave the house?"

Jennie quickly turned around and saw Lisa at the door with a gloomy expression. She slurped her noodles and mouthed curiously, "How did you know I was here?"

Wasn't the devil busy every day? And he often worked late too. Why was he back so early today?

Lisa, with an icy look on his face, quickly walked in and picked Jennie up.

His eyes were full of warning and his chilly expression made the temperature in the room drop continuously.

"In the future, you can't take the Little Mute away without my permission. Or else, don't blame me for being merciless to the Park family."

His tone was very threatening, No one knew how worried he was when he saw Jennie was not around when he got home.

Lisa also did not know why he cared so much about Little Mute.

He simply wanted to keep her in his sight so that he could better protect her from being bullied.

Rosé looked speechlessly at Jennie's arms and then at Lisa's gloomy face.

She said, "I was just helping her. She said she hadn't showered for a few days and asked me to help her."

"I Didn't do much either. I just helped her shower, dried her hair, and made a bowl of noodles."

Lisa's chilly expression got colder when he heard this.

He looked at Jennie gloomily and his eyes were devoid of warmth. He wished he could strangle her right now.

He fiercely said, "Didn't I ask you? And you told me you didn't want to shower!"

Lisa did not know why, but he did not want anyone else to touch her.

Jennie smiled awkwardly when she heard this and quickly mouthed, "Well, it's because you're very busy and I don't want to waste your time. Besides, I'm a woman and you're a man. It's not appropriate.."


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now