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After a moment of silence, she carefully typed on the phone.

"I don't want to learn ancient martial arts. More importantly, you should know that I can't do strenuous exercise in the early months of pregnancy, or I might lose the baby."

Even though Jennie was not sure whether she was pregnant, she would be a fool if she did not use that as an excuse not to train.

Lisa's face instantly turned pale when he heard that. He quickly stood up and ordered his guard.

"Xi ping, go and summon Xiao Li to give Madam a check-up."

Xi ping immediately jumped out from the dark to do what Lisa had instructed.

When Jennie saw Lisa was so serious, she immediately held Lisa's hand and typed on the phone with the other hand.

"Actually, there's no need to call for a doctor. As the child's mom, I can feel that the baby is alright."

"My body is healthy. It's impossible for me to miscarry. There is no need to trouble the doctor to come over."

Jennie was not sure if she was pregnant. She blushed when she typed that on the phone and quickly typed another sentence to hide her embarrassment.

"I'm hungry. Ask Xi ping to buy me some food."

Lisa looked at Jennie thoughtfully, but he still nodded and said coldly.

"Okay, I'll ask him to buy those pastries that you've eaten. I'll feed you."

Jennie was speechless. She had no idea what Lisa was planning to do. As she hesitated, she typed.

"Actually, I've had enough of that pastry. I think having a proper meal is better."

Lisa lifted his eyebrows. He would not listen to Jennie because he was displeased that Jennie let that woman feed her, yet she refused to let him feed her. With that, he looked at Jennie coldly and said domineeringly.

"No! You can choose whether to eat the pastries or do a check-up!"

In the end, 20 minutes later, Lisa fed Jennie the pastries and then fed her some other food.

Felix and the guards in the dark were shocked throughout the process.

They could not believe that their noble master would feed a mere woman.

Jennie, on the other hand, felt like she was eating poison.

In the end, Jennie shook her head with a frown on her face to show that she could not eat anymore. She had already eaten a lot of pastries and drank so many drinks.

Now, Lisa fed her so much food that her stomach could not take it anymore.

Jennie was afraid that her stomach would burst soon. She needed to save some space in it to take her medication.

After all, she needed to cure her voice soon.

However, Lisa did not seem to notice Jennie's hint. He kept feeding Jennie.

He spoke domineeringly with his deep voice.

"You are pregnant now and must eat more. Only then both you and the baby will be healthy. Be a good girl and open your mouth."

Suddenly, Jennie felt that she had made it difficult for herself.

If she had known that would happen, she would not have used pregnancy as an excuse. Now, Lisa had stuffed her tummy with so much food that she felt like vomiting.

Jennie could not care less about Lisa's tantrum. She quickly typed on her phone.

"Boss, I can't eat anymore. If I keep eating, my stomach will burst. I can't take another bite."

Lisa frowned when he saw that there was still a lot of food left on the table.

"How is that possible? You could eat more than half of that back them. Why are you eating so little today?"

Lisa remained silent for a while before he said coldly.

"Listen carefully. You're not allowed to go to any dessert store, café, or any other restaurants with Chaeryeong anymore."

Jennie looked at Lisa, confused.

Lisa looked at Jennie's confused expression and was unhappy. He stood up and said coldly.

"If you want to eat, get Felix to buy it for you. If you want someone to feed you, you can tell me. I'll feed you."

When Felix heard this, he was speechless. He began to wonder if he earned ten million a year only to be someone's errand boy.

Jennie was even more afraid. Just now, she had forced herself to eat the food bit by bit under Lisa's cold gaze.

She didn't want to suffer such pain any more..



THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now