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Jennie took a deep breath. Why did the teacher say that? She couldn’t possibly handle all these underlings. They were a bunch of unruly kids.

The prettiest girl in the class stood up. Jennie was all empty talk, so she thought she could raise the stakes and toy around Jennie. “How about we up the ante, teacher? Or else we’re no game.”

The teacher nodded in agreement. She went all out on this, so increasing the stakes didn’t matter.

Jennie shot the girl an unreadable look. She knew the girl was up to no good. Maybe she’d try to throw shades, or did she have something up her sleeve?

The girl glared back at Jennie. “If Jennie loses her bet, she’ll be in charge of getting our breakfast and snacks until we graduate.”

The teacher knitted her brows together. Though her students weren’t bright kids, they came from wealthy families, and since they didn’t have any financial burdens, the food they consumed was more expensive. If Jennie lost, she’d have to empty her pockets.

Jennie laughed, and she began typing. “That’s acceptable. But I have my terms too. If you lose, I’m taking cash for the money you’d spend on your breakfast and snacks as a lesson. You don’t have to agree to my terms, and I won’t agree to yours. How about that?”

Things were getting out of hand. But since the enemies had run to the wolf in her, she chose to fight back. She’d make the first move and show them what she was capable of when they belittled her.

Seeing how confident Jennie was in winning, the girl panicked. She reassured herself as she thought about Jennie’s scores, regaining her composure. Her results were the top of their class, getting 59 marks in every subject. Still, she couldn’t pass.

“Since you’ve offered it, we accept,” the girl declared. “Don’t regret your decisions, though.”

Everyone chanted in agreement, and someone even added, “Yeah, you little mute. We’re looking forward to you eating poops. Many, many poops.”

Jennie couldn’t care less. She typed her reply nice and slow on her phone. “Of course. I just recorded that for evidence in case all of you back off from our deal when you regret it.” Jennie was rejoicing internally. She was about to pocket loads of money.

The teacher couldn’t help but feel worried for Jennie. “Ms. Jennie, don’t worry. I’ll pay for that if you lose.”

Her words moved Jennie. “No worries. I won’t lose.” She was grateful that someone would believe her when everyone was on the other side.

“Shameless b*tch,” the prettiest girl in the class blurted. “Don’t you dare back out last minute? We want our snacks.”

Her loyal sidekicks chimed in.

“Yeah. Don’t you know your place? Do you think you’re smart enough? It’s just a slap on your face.”

“Uh-huh. So they say a shameless person has no sense of shame at all.”

“Her skin is so thick that anyone could run it over. I bet she’s used to it.”

“Everyone. It’s confirmed.. The day she eats her sh*t will soon come!”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now