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Max saw Lisa walking into his bedroom happily. When Max thought of the bedroom, Max understood what was going on with the chairman.

Lisa smiled because of Jennie. It annoyed Max when that thought struck his mind.

Max clenched her fists angrily and left. HE decided to wait for Chaeyeon to come back, and he was sure the chairman would dump the dumb girl then.

Lisa entered the bedroom and saw Jennie sleeping soundly. He looked at her gently.

Lisa pinched Jennie's face gently. Jennie's cute face made him smile as he said softly.

"Lazy little girl."

He covered Jennie with a blanket. Then, he laid down beside Jennie and hugged Jennie possessively as he fell asleep.

Lisa had always been a light sleeper. He would have trouble sleeping when he was stressed out.

Initially, Lisa thought he would wake up at midnight, but he did not expect to wake up only at dawn.

Jennie had used some of her IT knowledge to set up an automatic lesson.

Even if Lisa went to class, he would not realize that she was not at the computer at all. She gave Lisa enough homework for him to do until daybreak.

The thought of punishing Lisa made her happy. So, she slept soundly until dawn.

Jennie and Lisa woke up at about the same time, and their eyes met.

Jennie was startled. She did not expect to see Lisa in bed. He was supposed to be in his study doing the homework she had given him.

Lisa looked at Jennie's surprised looked and caressed her hair.

"I'm your husband. Have you forgotten about that?"

Lisa had just woken up. So, his deep voice sounded sexy and seductive.

Jennie's heart skipped a beat, and her face blushed when she heard Lisa's voice.

After a moment of silence, Jennie picked up her phone and typed on it.

"Were you here for a long time? Did you sleep here the whole night?"

"Yes, the whole night."

Lisa ran his fingers through his messy short hair and said calmly.

Jennie's eyes widened when she heard that. She immediately picked up the phone and typed on it.

"Shouldn't you be learning? How could you sleep here the whole night?"

Lisa looked at Jennie doubtfully. It surprised him that Jennie knew about his special lessons.

Jennie saw the wariness in Lisa's eyes and typed guiltily on her phone.

"Erm, it is a type error. I mean, you should be working. Why do you still have time to come back and sleep?"

Lisa, who rarely slept through the night, smiled.

He lowered his head and shortened the distance between his face and Jennie's. Then he spoke with his deep and magnetic voice.

"I should accompany my wife, even if I am busy, shouldn't I?"

His charming eyes looked into Jennie's eyes, and he said.


Jennie could not stand the blunt seduction from Lisa. Her face flushed red.

Jennie could not take it anymore. She wondered if Lisa was doing that on purpose.

Lisa should get to know himself more. His handsomeness and charm were lethal.

Jennie forgot the lesson she had prepared for Lisa under his seduction. She obediently took a bath, went downstairs to eat, and then went to school.

It only struck Jennie when she sat in the classroom and heard the teacher's voice.

She realized that Lisa had ruined the plans she had made last night. She had to make sure she punished Lisa after school.

The time passed quickly. After class, Jennie walked slowly and carefully to the toilet.

Lisa's voice and his handsome face had mesmerized her. She did not even go to the toilet before she came to school that morning.

Jennie was a fairy if Lisa was an immortal. The so-called fairy did not need to go to the toilet.

In any case, Jennie had the determination to be better in any aspect than Lisa so that she could suppress him.



THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now