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Jennie typed on her phone. She interrupted Ji-hyang with a loud text-to-voice,"You have heard it all now. The innocent school belle admitting to..."

Ji-hyang finally came to her senses, looked at Jennie with her ashen face and explained meekly,"No, no, I didn't do anything."

All the teachers and students eyed Ji-hyang with disdain. With stares filled with contempt they commented,"This Ji-hyang is just a b*tch. She's really shameless."

"Yeah, she was clearly the one who wanted to harm Chaeryeong yet she claims that she is doing the right thing. Not even the city wall can beat her in terms of her thick skin."

"Ji-hyang is ruining the school's reputation. She should be expelled!"

"Absolutely. Such a good school shouldn't have a b*tch like Ji-hyang. We strongly demand that she be expelled immediately!"

Hearing these comments, Ji-hyang muttered incoherently,"No, I refuse. I refuse to be expelled. If anything, the person who should be expelled is that piece of trash, Jennie. She has no right to be at this school."

Jennie looked indifferently at Ji-hyang's insane behavior. The corners of her mouth curled up as she said silently, "Ji-hyang, you gave me all this in your previous life. Now, I'm returning the favor, all of it. This is just the beginning!"

Ji-hyang saw Jennie's smirk and rushed to face her.

With red eyes and a contorted face, Ji-hyang grabbed Jennie's shoulders tightly and screamed,"Jennie, all this was you, wasn't it?"

"You deliberately arranged everything to set me up, right?"

Jennie's shoulders were in pain. She kicked away the crazy Ji-hyang and spoke using her phone,"Ji-hyang, are you insane? Why would I let you criticize me anonymously on the school forum?"

"And let you find someone to hurt Chaeryeong?"

"And then let this Wang Qiang come to school to slander me? Ji-hyang, it's fine that you don't admit to any of this but you are so shameless that you are blaming everything on me?"

Jennie stepped on Ji-hyang's chest. Her eyes filled with hatred as she spoke using her phone,"Do you think I'm your mother? That I must make everything go your way? You'd better watch yourself in future and not provoke me. I won't let you off so easily next time."

Ji-hyang saw Jennie's murderous gaze, trembled in fear as she begged for mercy,"Jennie, Jennie, I know I'm wrong. Forgive me this time and I promise I'll be the same person as before, okay?"

"Shut your filthy mouth and get lost!"

Jennie typed on her phone as she eyed Ji-hyang coldly and retracted her foot that was on Ji-hyang's chest.

Lisa narrowed his eyes in surprise when he saw Jennie's callous behavior.

Seems like this kid has many secrets?

Felix's jaws dropped in shock. Madam's ability to deal with this two-faced person was superb. She did not seem like a good-for-nothing mute at all!

Chaeryeong applauded happily for Jennie.

"Damn, Sister Jennie is way hot and awesome. That kick just now on Ji-hyang was awe-inspiring!"

"Jennie, why are you bullying Ji-hyang again? Haven't we broken off the engagement?",

Ouyang Rui cursed angrily at Jennie as he rushed in front of Ji-hyang to protect her.

"You'd better have some humility. No matter what you do, I will never like you."

"Although I do not hit women, if you continue to treat Ji-hyang like this, I will make an exception and hit you."

Jennie looked at this retard Ouyang Rui and muttered,"Idiot."

Did he really think that he was the most handsome person in the world? That everything and everyone revolved around him, like idiots?

Jennie had no plans to entertain Ouyang Rui. Just as she was about to leave, Ouyang Rui stopped her and yelled,"You still want to f*cking run? Stop right there!"

"You have maligned Ji-hyang. You must clear her name.. Otherwise, don't even thinking about leaving today!"



THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now