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The breakfast was exceptionally luxurious, with roasted partridge with truffles, a sandwich with foie gras, a plate of sturgeon caviar, and a cup of Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee sprinkled with gold leaf fragments.

Jennie sat at the dining table and ate without even lifting her head. Delicious food could help her forget all her troubles.

Lisa was even angrier. His face darkened even more. This girl dared to ignore him!

She clearly knew that he was angry. Couldn’t she just talk to him?

She didn’t have the slightest discernment. She was simply a hopeless fool. Did she need him to remind her?

The more Lisa thought about it, the angrier he became. He thought about Jennie blacklisting him.

Now, not only did Jennie not soothe him, she even ignored him. He was so angry that he was about to explode.

“I’ve already gotten Felix to handle the matter you told me yesterday.”

Jennie put down the knife and fork in her hand and interrupted Lisa with a snap. She wiped her mouth with a tissue and typed on her phone.

“I’ll go to school. Boss Manoban, please enjoy your meal.”

Jennie had already picked up her backpack and quickly walked out as soon as the intelligent voice just finished playing this sentence.

If she didn’t run now, Lisa would have a chance to settle the score with her.

Felix glanced at Lisa, who was ignored by Jennie, and silently followed her out.

Anyway, he had to take madam to school every day.

“Madam, please wait for a moment. I’ll go get the car. I’ll be right back.”

Since yesterday, Boss Manoban had asked him to prepare a huge cloakroom for madam.

Boss Manoban had even filled Jennie’s food card with a huge sum of money. It could be said that he had taken care of everything.

However, before Boss Manoban could say anything to her, Jennie ignored him.

When they were still some distance away from school, Jennie took out her phone and quickly edited the text.

“Felix, just park here. I’ll walk over myself.”

Jennie was afraid that if her classmates saw her driving such a nice car to school, they would definitely gossip about her and even smear her.

“Yes, madam.”

Felix heard the intelligent voice from Jennie’s phone and immediately stopped the car. He opened the car door for Jennie and respectfully watched Jennie leave.

Jennie got out of the car and slowly walked towards the school gate.

However, she didn’t realize that a classmate not far away had just seen this scene and secretly took a picture of it.

At the entrance of the noble school.

“Hi, beautiful girl, are you alone?” A bunch of bright roses suddenly appeared in front of Jennie.

Jennie looked at this man in surprise, he gave her a strong visual impact.

The young man in front of her had dyed his hair like a rainbow, but he had a handsome and charming face with a sunny smile.

He was wearing black clothes and holding a bunch of roses, looking at Jennie excitedly.

Jennie looked at the young man in front of her and made a conclusion. This young man was somewhat handsome but a little bit crazy.

It would be impossible for a young man who was not crazy to dye his hair in rainbow colors.

If she was right, this young man was the young man who had been robbed of his motorcycle by her that night.

But what did he mean by suddenly holding such a big bouquet?

Jennie looked at the bouquet of roses, her face was full of confusion. She quickly typed on the phone.

“What’s the matter? Didn’t I return the motorcycle to you?”

Hou Hao quickly nodded. It wasn’t easy to find this place.

He said in a bright and sunny voice. “Yes. Miss, of course, I’m looking for you. I’m not here to talk about the motorcycle. I’m here to find you and confess to you. My name is Hou Hao. I’ve fallen in love with you. If you agree to be my girlfriend, you can have any motorcycle you want.”

Jennie was dumbfounded by Hou Hao’s words. He said he love her? How was this possible? The two of them had only met once, then he said that he fell in love with her. Come on! It was not love at all. All he wanted was her body.

“Hou Hao, F * ck you! Get Lost Now!”

Selugi appeared behind Hou Hao without anyone noticing. He grabbed Hou Hao by the collar and scolded him.

He was originally in the hospital, but when he heard that Hou Hao wanted to confess to Jennie, he immediately ignored his injuries and left the hospital to find her.

Jennie saw Selugi’s body was still wrapped in bandages. She frowned and typed on the phone.

“Selugi, have all your injuries healed? You’re still wrapped in bandages. Why aren’t you in the hospital for proper treatment?” There seemed to be a hint of care in the electronic voice.

Selugi heard that Jennie was concerned about him, and his face turned red for a moment.

Selugi, who had always been arrogant and despotic, stood there like a shy boy. He looked at Jennie like a fool..


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now