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Selugi was a little disappointed to hear Jennie say this. But there was a determined smile on his face.

“Uncle, don’t worry. Now we are just friends. But in the future…”

Selugi thought to himself that it did not matter if Jennie did not want to be with him now. He would definitely do his best to move her until Jennie be willing to be with him.

Lisa initially felt better after hearing Jennie’s words.

However, when he heard Selugi’s claims and his determined expression, his expression instantly darkened.

“Selugi, don’t you have a fiancée? You even said that you wouldn’t marry anyone else but her!”

When Selugi heard this, he immediately became nervous. When he saw Jennie’s serious expression, he quickly said, “Uncle, come on, please do not mention that matter anymore. I said those words when I was young, so we don’t need to take them seriously. You can’t let Jennie misunderstand me!”

It was just a joke when they were kids and they were just playing a game at the time. There was no way anyone would take it seriously.

Lisa did not care about that. He looked at Selugi calmly and said slowly while sitting on the sofa.

“But that girl has already taken it seriously. She will transfer to your class tomorrow. She wants to be with you.”

Selugi was almost shocked when he heard that.

He turned to look at Jennie nervously and found that Jennie did not take it seriously at all. Instead, she was secretly eating the fruit on the platter.

In order to make Jennie notice him, he raised his voice.

“No, I strongly oppose it. We can never be together. I’ll inform her now that I have someone I love.”

Lisa shot Selugi a cold glance and concluded firmly and domineeringly.

“A man is a man of his word. Since you’ve already spoken to her, you must keep your word. Your objection is invalid. Now, you can go back to school and attend your class.”

When Selugi heard this, he was completely flustered. He immediately stood up and looked anxiously at Lisa as he objected loudly.

“No! This is not what I want. Uncle, you can’t…”

Lisa’s expression was cold as he looked at Selugi. His gaze was sharp as he opened his thin lips and said coldly.

“Max, bring Selugi to the training room and hand him over to Felix.”

Felix should know what to do when he saw Selugi. After all, this was not the first time he had done this.

“No, I don’t want…”

Selugi wanted to reject in horror. His kung fu was like a kindergarten child in front of Felix. He didn’t want to get beaten up in front of Jennie.

However, Max quickly appeared and dragged Selugi away.

When Jennie saw this scene, she thought she was safe. She happily ate the fruit when she heard a cold voice.

“It’s your turn now.”

Jennie looked up in confusion and saw Lisa’s cold expression. A strong pressure came at her. She felt like she could barely breathe in front of this angry, domineering man.

Jennie nervously typed.

“Um, just now, didn’t I answer your question properly?”

Lisa took out his new phone and found those photos that Felix had sent over.

When he saw the photo, Lisa’s anger could not be contained. He threw the phone angrily in front of Jennie.

“Then, explain this photo to me. What exactly is going on?”

Lisa’s cold gaze looked at Jennie’s wrist, then he asked Jennie in a harsh tone.

“Why are you holding Selugi’s hand? Have you forgotten the rules I told you before? Do you know the consequences of disobeying me?”

Just as he finished speaking, his angry eyes fell on Jennie’s wrist, as if he wanted to cut off her hand.

Jennie was silent. What consequences? Was she going to cut off her hand?

What a joke! Lisa was not an ancient emperor who could punish anyone with torture at will. Besides, she just hold Selugi’s hand. Why so serious?

However, Lisa’s gaze scared her, Jennie quickly threw away the fruit in her hand and explained with her phone.

“I swear! I’m not close to Selugi. I just treat him as my nephew because of you.”

This old man was really jealous!

Lisa’s gloomy expression instantly disappear a little after hearing that the reason why she treated Selugi well was just because of him. His tone was no longer as cold as before.

“There’s also this Hou Hao who sent the flowers. What’s going on?”

Just as he finished speaking, the photo of Jennie hugging the roses and smiling as she watched Hou Hao leave was placed in front of Jennie once again.

Jennie scratched her head in embarrassment, then typed out an explanation.

“This…. maybe it’s because I stole his motorcycle last time, and now he wants to make fun of me, so he gave me a bouquet of roses?”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now