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Lisa kissed Jennie again without waiting for her reply. The kiss was as domineering as Lisa. Jennie couldn't even dodge it.

Jennie wanted to push Lisa away and ask him why. However, Lisa did not give her a break at all. He kissed her tyrannically.

This kiss made Jennie in a daze. After a while, Lisa reluctantly moved his lips away. His eyes were filled with satisfaction as he said calmly,

"Now, you should know what it feels like, right?"

Jennie's entire body went weak and her mind went blank. She gave Lisa a confused look and said,"It's great."

Lisa nodded in satisfaction. A smile crept onto his face, and he gently stroked Jennie's beautiful hair.

He did not know why, but he felt much better after kissing the Little Mute. He suddenly got excited and his mood brightened up as well.

Jennie slowly came back to her senses. She looked at Lisa with a blushing face. Why did Devil Manoban suddenly kiss her? Was this the return of her kiss?

'With that question in mind, Jennie lowered her head without saying a word. She dared not to ask Lisa at all. She bit her lips anxiously and felt uneasy.

Lisa looked at Jennie with satisfaction and noticed her change. Didn't she know that she would injure her own lip? This Little Mute was really stupid. He said,

"What are you thinking about?"

Jennie looked up at Lisa and quickly lowered her head again. She suddenly changed the topic,

"Nothing much. I suddenly thought of something about you."

A faint light flashed in Lisa's eyes. He asked while smiling,

"Really? What is it?"

While speaking, he caressed Jennie's hair as if she was his pet.

Jennie glared at Lisa and said with lip language,

"Tm being serious. I'm not joking with you. I really found out something about you."

Damn it, couldn't he show some respect? She was an adult after all. Why would he stroke her hair as if she was a pet?

Lisa nodded casually and said,"Really? Tell me about it."

Jennie looked up at Lisa's face. She couldn't help but get palpitations. Looking at Lisa's lips, she suddenly felt like kissing him again.

However, there was something more important now. She shook her head, trying to get rid of these thoughts.

Seeing that, Lisa thought that she refused to answer. He knocked on Jennie's head gently and asked,

"What's wrong? What are you thinking about?"

Jennie came back to her alertness. Her face was blushing. Immediately, she replied,

"No, it's nothing."

Lisa looked at Jennie with suspicion and said,

"Hmm? Didn't you say you've found out something? What do you mean?"

Right then, Jennie avoided Lisa's penetrating gaze and said nervously,

"Actually, I found out something this morning."

"It's about Bambam, he'll be in danger. I'm afraid you'll think that I'm lying, so I kept quiet. That's why I asked you to get Bambam to tutor me."

When Lisa heard this, his expression instantly became solemn. A trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes as he said coldly,"Are you sure?"

Jennie quickly nodded. She had used this fortune-telling ability a few times, how could she be wrong?

Lisa did not quite believe it. He looked at Jennie coldly and said indifferently,

"What evidence do you have to prove it?"

It was a serious matter. Lisa needed clear evidence to believe Little Mute's words.

Jennie kept silent. She couldn't say that she could see the future, right? After thinking for a moment, she answered,

"Boss Manoban, I'm telling the truth. Don't you realize that it's been a long time since you met Bambam?"

"Think about it. He's such a playful and boastful person. Yet, he has been so quiet lately and even gone missing. It's very likely that he's in danger!"


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now