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Jennie saw that Lisa's expression was getting more unpleasant by the second, so she quickly continued mouthing, "Also, I want to stay at Rosie's house for the time being. She's also a girl, so it would be convenient for her to take care of me."

When Lisa heard this, his eyes were filled with murderous intent as he looked at Rosé.

"Were you the one who wanted her to stay at your house?" he questioned her.

Rosé could feel the murderous intent in Lisa's eyes.

She quickly shook her head and explained, "Boss Manoban, I didn't say I wanted her to stay here."

"Jennie, you should go back with Boss Manoban. The doctors there are good and they have the best medicine as well. You would be able to recover faster."

'When Jennie heard this, she quickly shook her head and said, "I don't want to go back. I want to stay here with you. You can help me bathe and take care of me. It's very convenient."

Jennie no longer wanted to feel the awkwardness she had when she was carried by the devil into the bathroom.

It was especially so when she took off her pants and put them on. She would wish she could dig a hole and bury herself. It was simply too embarrassing.

"You'd better listen to me unless you want to die." Lisa's face darkened as he said this.

'Then, he carried Jennie and turned around to walk out.

'She actually got someone else to help her bathe. She was really courting death!"

In the manor.

Jennie was brought back to the bedroom by Lisa. Just as she was about to run to the bed, Lisa grabbed her collar and brought her to the bathroom.

Jennie looked at Lisa suspiciously and mouthed, "Boss, why did you bring me to the bathroom? I don't need to use it right now. I've already used the bathroom at Rosie's house earlier."

'Lisa said in freezing accents, "Take a bath."

Jennie's eyes widened in shock. Was this devil crazy?

She immediately mouthed seriously, "Um, I've already taken a bath. You can go ahead."

Lisa's expression became even more unpleasant, and his gaze became colder. He blocked Jennie's path and said icily, "Take another bath, you're dirty!"

How could he let someone else help his woman bathe? It didn't matter if it was a man or a woman!

When he first found out that Rosé helped Jennie bathe, he wanted to destroy the earth.

Jennie looked at Lisa unhappily. What did this guy want?

"How am I dirty? I just bathed not long ago!" she mouthed seriously.

'Lisa did not care about that. He threw Jennie into the bathtub.

Then he leaned forward and said frostily, "I'm telling you for the last time. If you let anyone else bathe you again, I'll skin you alive."

Jennie was speechless. What the h*ll was this? Was it necessary to say such a thing when she only asked her best friend to help her bathe?

"Then, I won't be able to bathe myself. I'll be stinky," she whispered.

Lisa naturally knew she would say that. He looked at Jennie coldly and calmly said, "I can help you take a bath too."

"You better remember this. From this moment onward, I'm the only one who can help you take a bath. No one else can help!"

Jennie looked at Lisa in confusion.

"Not even her own best friend? Why?"

Lisa saw Jennie's confused look and knew what Jennie was thinking. A hint of anger flashed in his eyes, and his possessiveness instantly exploded as he said icily, "Why do you keep asking so many questions?"

"I have serious mysophobia. Since you're my woman, no one is allowed to touch you. And I'm the only one who can give you a bath."

When Jennie heard this, her ears actually felt a little hot.

This devil was surprisingly so overbearing.

After that, Jennie's face turned red. Devil Manoban took off all her clothes and helped her bathe again.

After a while, the spotless Jennie lay on the bed.

Lisa felt a little uncomfortable so he quickly made his way to the bathroom to take a long shower. Otherwise, he would not be able to control himself from doing something to Little Mute.

Jennie woke up early in the morning. She was a little worried about Bambam.

However, she could not tell Lisa that she was reborn and had obtained a special ability that could predict the future.

If she said that, Boss Manoban would probably treat her like a freak, right?

Or, he might very well treat her like a fool!


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now