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“What are you all standing there for? Hurry up and send Miss to the countryside to recuperate.”

Kim Seon-ho saw that Jennie did not speak and thought that Jennie believed him. He hurriedly ordered his men to act quickly.

Two burly men immediately went forward and prepared to hurl Jennie into the car.

Jennie knew that Kim Seon-ho was doing this for Ji-hyang and had to send her away. He would definitely not change his mind. She quickly typed on her phone.

“Dad, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that I had such a serious mental illness. I won’t be a burden on you.”

“Give me some money and let me buy the ticket myself. I’ll just take a bus to the countryside.”

Kim Seon-ho was worried that Jennie would run away with the money, so he said cautiously, “I’ll get someone to buy it for you.”

Jennie nodded in agreement.

In the busy bus station, two strong bodyguards watched Jennie get on the bus with their own eyes. Only then did they leave with relief and returned to Kim Seon-ho to report to him.

After Jennie saw them leave, she immediately grabbed her luggage and ran out of the bus.

An hour later, Jennie stood on the street and looked at the tall buildings around her with complicated feelings.

Now, she had completely become homeless. Her gaze locked onto the tallest and most luxurious building. It was the Manoban family’s exclusive office building.

In her past life, she had been brainwashed by Ji-hyang many times, so she trusted Ji-hyang too much.

She once had some real friends but she stupidly chose to end the friendships because of Ji-hyang.

Now, Jennie had no home to go back to, and she did not even have anyone to rely on anymore.

Without realizing it, Jennie had arrived at Manoban's office building. In any case, she would be Lisa’s woman sooner or later, so why not let him take care of her now?

Jennie brought her luggage and walked into Manoban's office building. She took out her phone and composed the text. Then, she smiled politely at the front desk and pressed the button.

“Hello, I’m looking for Lisa.”

“Do you have an appointment?”

There were too many women who came to see their chairman every day. She could not just let every one of them up.

Jennie was stunned when she heard that. She quickly pressed the button on her phone app.

“My name is Jennie. Tell him and he’ll be willing to meet me.”

“Our chairman isn’t here today. Please come again next time.”

The receptionist replied sarcastically. Her eyes were filled with disdain. Every woman who came to look for the president said the same thing.

Moreover, this woman was a mute. The chairman was such a brilliant man. How could he be interested in a mute?

Jennie frowned. How could Lisa, that workaholic, not be in the company?

The receptionist at the front desk obviously did not want to believe her. In that case, Jennie could only wait around for him.

She originally wanted to wait for Lisa in the hall, but she did not expect to be chased out by the security guards.

Just as she was chased out, Jennie saw the Kim family’s bodyguards, who had gone to see her off the other day, walking over with Ji-hyang who was wearing a gown.

Jennie cursed in her heart. F*ck, I cannot be this unlucky today, right?

If she was seen, Kim Seon-ho would definitely get someone to personally send her away. He would also get someone to keep an eye on her to prevent her from running away again.

Jennie had no other choice but to turn around and walk into the building again. When the security guard saw Jennie walking back again, he was?a little angry. He picked up a rubber stick and started to chase her away.

“You’re no longer welcome here. Leave quickly.”

Jennie had no choice but to throw her luggage down and run towards the elevator.

Ji-hyang was escorted by two bodyguards to the front desk of the building. When she heard the commotion on Jennie’s side, she looked over curiously.

The two security guards were about to catch Jennie when the chairman’s private elevator opened. Jennie rushed in and pressed the button to close the door as fast as she could.

After the elevator closed, she quickly pressed the button for the 26th floor. It seemed to be possibly Lisa’s office, so she could only look for him now.

“Who let you in?”

A cold voice suddenly sounded beside Jennie’s ear.

Jennie quickly turned around. When she saw the person, she immediately let out a sigh of relief. She did not expect Lisa to be in the elevator.

Lisa frowned and looked at Jennie warily.

“What are you doing here?”

Jennie saw how guarded Lisa was and quickly typed a message on her phone.

“I’m here to give you a gift. A big gift!”

Lisa looked at Jennie coldly. What gift could this little girl give him?

“A pretty wife for you.”

“A woman?”

Lisa’s face suddenly darkened as he looked at Jennie coldly. A chill quickly spread throughout the entire elevator.

Jennie felt like she had been locked in the freezer. Looking at Lisa’s cold gaze, she quickly explained.

“I mean, I missed you, so I came to see you.”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now