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As Min-hyuk spoke, his eyes narrowed as he stared Jennie up and down. He did not have any intention of hiding his gaze.

He looked at Jennie’s graceful figure in a set of sportswear.

His entire body seemed to be on fire. Instantly, his blood boiled, and the greed in his eyes grew stronger and stronger.

Jennie had been taking care of Lisa at the hospital. Lisa had long been displeased when he saw her in loose clothing.

Therefore, he asked Felix to buy more fitting clothes for her.

This way, Jennie, who was already very good-looking, looked even more beautiful, making people’s hearts flutter.

Jennie saw that Min-hyuk did not get angry when he heard such arrogant words. Instead, he wanted to make a bet, so she immediately questioned.

“Tell me, what do you want to bet on?”

Selugi saw Min-hyuk’s greedy gaze and immediately stood in front of Jennie with a gloomy expression.

He tried to block that disgusting look, Min-hyuk’s eyes had already offended the goddess in Selugi’s heart.

“Min-hyuk, don’t dream about it. I don’t agree, you toad.”

As a man, Selugi naturally knew that Min-hyuk would not have any good intentions and would definitely bring up disgusting things.

Min-hyuk ignored Selugi and stared at Jennie.

“How about this? After the competition ends, if I’m ranked behind you, I’ll kneel down and call you mom, and I’ll give you two million.”

“If you’re ranked behind me, then you’ll obediently let me play with you until I’m tired of playing with you.”

Hou Hao frowned at the side. Min-hyuk was simply too shameless. Hearing that the little girl did not know how to play, he still insisted on competing and even proposed such a bet.

Selugi’s face was so gloomy that water could drip out of it and roared angrily.

“Min-hyuk, go to Hell. I will definitely not agree to it and will not participate in the competition.”

Selugi would rather have others ridicule and insult him. He would not allow Jennie to participate in the competition and would not allow Min-hyuk to succeed.

“Sister Kim, let’s leave now. Don’t pay attention to this piece of trash.”

Jennie pushed Selugi, who was standing in front of her, away. Holding the phone, she said calmly in large characters.

“Min-hyuk, what if I get first place?”

“If I get first place, you don’t have to call me mom. Just take off your clothes and run around Central Park Square naked. I’ll immediately agree to compete with you.”

Min-hyuk was quite confident in himself. Hearing Jennie’s words, he agreed without hesitation.

After all, it was said this mute only knew how to ride a motorcycle, not race. Moreover, the other contestants had already set off for a few minutes.

In such a competition, even a minute earlier could decide the winner.

Moreover, an experienced veteran like Min-hyuk did not have much confidence in being able to run into the top few. How could a mute who did not know the immensity of Heaven and Earth be able to run first?

Was this not a huge joke? When the time came, he could not be blamed for being ruthless.

When he thought of this, a wretched smile hung on Min-hyuk’s face. It was as if he had already won.

Selugi was even more furious. He did not understand why Jennie agreed to his bet.

Jennie glanced at Min-hyuk. There was a hint of a cold smile at the corner of her mouth. She turned around and elegantly stepped onto the motorcycle that she had snatched.

She patted Selugi calmly and took out her phone to edit the text and voiced out.

“When the time comes, don’t go back on your word. You have to be honest. Can we start now?”

Selugi held onto Jennie anxiously and said nervously.

“Sister Kim, I don’t agree with the bet between you and Min-hyuk, and I don’t agree with the competition. This competition is not a normal motorcycle ride. Listen to me and get off.”

As Selugi spoke, Min-hyuk’s motorcycle had already run out.

In an instant, he had pulled a great distance away from Jennie, but Jennie put on her helmet at a leisurely pace, and spoke through her phone.

“Selugi, do you have so little confidence in your Aunt?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Jennie directly shook off Selugi’s hand, twisted the accelerator, and directly ran out in the direction of Min-hyuk.

Selugi’s eyes were red, and he wanted to chase after her to stop her.

However, just as he took a step forward, Hou Hao grabbed Selugi and said indifferently, “Stop chasing. Can you catch up to the motorcycle?”

“Even if you run to your death, you can’t catch up. Moreover, the bet between the two of them has already been formed.”

“Just because you say it doesn’t count it doesn’t mean it won’t count. Even if you catch up now, it’s useless.”

When Selugi heard Hou Hao’s words, he raised his hand and slapped himself in the face, muttering to himself.

“D*mn it, why can’t I think straight? Why did I insist on bringing Sister Kim to participate in some competition? I might as well go straight to the hospital.”

Hou Hao looked at Selugi’s somewhat red and swollen face and said with a face full of black lines.

“Selugi, do you have to be like this? Isn’t it just a woman? If she loses and is taken away by Min-hyuk, then can’t you just find another one?”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now