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The girl was reluctant. Yet for the sake of living, for returning to normality, she could only give in. She knelt before Jennie and bowed her head. "Master."

Jennie shrugged-her opinion didn't matter, it seemed.

Lisa released his clench, freeing the girl. Then, he grabbed the disinfectant wipes from Max and cleaned all of his fingers discreetly. Once done, he tossed the waste back to Max, his words ice-cold, "From now on, your only mission is to protect her. If she ever comes so close to getting hurt, it will be off with your head."

Jennie flinched at the absurdity of this-would it apply the same if she fell one day, or she accidentally hurt herself?

Without batting his eye, Lisa wrapped his arm around Jennie's waist and got into the passenger seat of his car.

It was then Jennie snapped back to reality due to the strong iron smell of blood. She shoved the man away and typed her words. "Come on. You look nothing like you're injured. You need to up your game."

Lisa shot her an icy stare before shutting his eyes, pressing his weight into her embrace. Next, she re-edited her text as her fingers flew over her phone. "Call the emergency services, Max. Lisa's unconscious. We need to get him to the hospital."

Almost panicky, Max made a few calls. After twenty minutes, they got the "injured" Lisa to the best hospital in town for surgery. Another hour later, the doctor came out of the ER and delivered the news-Lisa was in a critical condition, and no one else was to enter his ward except his wife. The forces that had their eyes on getting Lisa were now making a move.

Jennie had prepared a towel and a basin full of water, ready-and loathing-to wipe Lisa's body in the luxurious VIP ward. Staring at the remaining bloodstain, she pinched her nose, disgusted, and got out her phone. "How about you go get a shower? It will be easier to wash it off."

She had suggested the idea of him carrying a blood bag for the graphic effect. She never imagined the thick scent of blood would linger long in the air, hitting her nostrils like a tsunami that she wanted nowhere near him.

Lisa glanced at her with the corner of his eye, his tone emotionless, "I'm in a 'critically injured' now. Have you ever seen someone critically injured going into the shower on their own? Besides, you're the one who'd suggested the idea. So, you clean it."

Jennie sighed-you reap what you sow. No use in crying over spilled milk anyway. She rolled up her sleeves, unbuttoned his shirt, and got to work immediately.

When she finished in around twenty minutes, she scanned his broad chest, leading down to his rippled abs and his dreamy V-shaped Adonis belt. Images from the night before popped into her head, causing her face to flush, including her ears. She didn't get a good look the other night-she only remembered how he was so close to dismantling all her body parts.

Seeing that she had zoned out, he reached his finger and tilted her chin. "What's on your mind?"

His magnetic voice made the blush on her face even redder than an apple. She shook her head, fleeing into the washroom with the towel and basin.

Later that night, the worn-out Jennie typed out her request on her phone, begging. "Hey, look. It's late. Can't we call it a day?"

Lisa pursed his lips slightly before saying, "Wouldn't it be unreasonable for the dying husband's wife to leave and go home?"

Sitting beside him, Jennie had all the urges to speak her mind, but his icy stare made her gulp down her words. She studied the room, her eyes pausing on the only bed-with Lisa lying on it-within proximity, and she hesitated.

"Hey, boss. There's only one bed in here. How should we sleep? Uh, there's a sofa, but I can't let you crash on it, can I?" She didn't have the guts to let the devil spend the night on the sofa, nor did she want to sleep on it.

"Hop in."

Instantly, his words reminded her of that suffering night. She gazed at him in alarm. When he returned a stare, she saw something else in it.

"We're legally married."

Jennie nodded, her fingers editing her words rapidly. "I know. But we don't know each other that well, okay? I'm not used to having another person in bed with me either.." She vaguely remembered sharing her bed with an older-aged boy when she was little, but she couldn't remember what he'd looked like anymore-so that didn't count.


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now