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Ji-hyang looked up in surprise and saw Jennie.

Her face instantly turned pale. She pushed aside those crowded around her and walked up to Jennie.

“What are you doing here?”

Jennie looked at Ji-hyang calmly and slowly took out her phone. She edited the text and said, “You’re asking a strange question. Of course, I’m here for school.”

Jennie had long thought that she would run into Ji-hyang when she went to school. She had nothing to be afraid of. After all, she was Lisa’s live-in girlfriend.

Moreover, when the incident tomorrow was over, she would become the Manoban family’s young madam.

It was useless for Ji-hyang to go back and tell Kim Seon-ho. As long as the name of Lisa was brought up, Kim Seon-ho would not dare to touch Jennie.

Ji-hyang looked nervous. “Weren’t you already sent to the countryside?”

“Yeah, I was already on the bus, but...”

Jennie sighed sadly and shrugged helplessly at Ji-hyang. She started to explain on her phone.

“Mom told me to study hard and get into Tsinghua University for her. Mom loves me so much, how could I make her sad? So, I can only come back and study hard.”

Ji-hyang’s eyes flashed with panic, but she still pretended to be a good sister and advised, “Jennie, I know you listen to Auntie, but you can’t forget that Auntie is mentally ill. You don’t have to take her words so seriously.”

“Dad is different. He is the one who treats you sincerely. You can’t let Dad down!”

Ji-hyang pretended to be a caring sister, wanting to brainwash Jennie again.

Jennie sneered after hearing this. Did Kim Seon-ho cared about her?

If Kim Seon-ho was not still in control of her mother, Jennie would not be afraid of them. But now, she was being held by them.

Jennie lowered her head to hide the cold light in her eyes and quickly typed on her phone.

“I know Dad is doing this for my own good, but Mom is serious about getting me into Tsinghua University. You know that was Dad’s dream when he was young.”

“Mom probably wants me to help Dad fulfill his past dream.”

Ji-hyang still had a smile on her face, but she was mad inside. However, she still pretended to be a caring big sister and coaxed Jennie.

“Jennie, I can help fulfill your father’s dream. Your health is not good and your results are not good. Don’t tire yourself out.”

“If there happens, my heart will ache. You’d better be obedient and go to the countryside to recuperate.”

Jennie pretended to be in a difficult position. Just as she was about to type, she was dragged by Ji-hyang to the study entrance.

“Jennie, be good. I’m doing this for your own good. I’m taking a leave now to send you to the station.”

“I’ll buy you something delicious and fun later. Take it with you. When I’m on vacation, I’ll definitely look you up.”

When the onlookers heard Ji-hyang’s words, they looked at Ji-hyang with admiration.

“I didn’t expect Ji-hyang to be so considerate and gentle. She’s really too perfect.”

“I also want a sister like Ji-hyang. I’m so happy.”

Jennie’s face was sullen. When did she agree to leave with Ji-hyang?

This shameless person was too good at adding drama to her story.

Jennie was unwilling to leave with Ji-hyang. However, Ji-hyang’s strength was too great. She was dragged along for a few steps. She forcefully shook off Ji-hyang’s hand that was grabbing onto her and quickly typed on her phone.

“I can’t leave yet. I can’t let Mom down. After I get into Tsinghua University, I’ll go to the countryside to recuperate.”

A trace of anger flashed across Ji-hyang’s face. This damn brat. She had said all the nice things, but she was still so disobedient. Then, do not blame her for being ruthless.

Ji-hyang grabbed Jennie’s hand. There were still some tears in her eyes. She looked weak and aggrieved, causing people to feel pity for her.

“Jennie, you made me take the blame. I was scolded as a b*tch all day long, and I even had to be shelved by the company. I don’t blame you for all this. At that time, you only had a psychotic episode. Now, I’m asking you to go back because I’m afraid that you’ll have a relapse in school and hurt the other students and teachers.”

“Others won’t be as tolerant as I am. Once they call the police, you’ll be forced into a mental hospital just like your mother.”

Jennie screamed in her heart. F*ck, this drama queen, the Oscar statuette must be given to Ji-hyang.

Those lackeys surrounding Ji-hyang saw that Ji-hyang had suffered such grievance and was still so understanding. They were instantly furious and pointed at Jennie’s nose to scold her.

“So you’re the main character of that scandal?”

“I want to expose you and let the masses know that you framed Ji-hyang.”

“A psychopath still thinks she can get into Tsinghua University. This is a joke.”

“Even if she isn’t psychotic, she will not make it!”

“That’s right. She has no self-awareness at all.. She is in the scram class. If she can get in, I’ll eat sh*t live!”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now