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"Besides, don't you see that my mother is still eating? There's still plenty of time. When my mother finishes eating, I'll naturally do it. You don't have to worry."

'The leader of the men in black did not have that much patience. He would not have agreed to Bambam's numerous requests previously if he was not afraid of that Devil. Now, he no longer had the patience. He raised the gun in his hand, he pointed it at the woman who was eating.

He looked at him threateningly and said, "I have lost my patience. I've dragged this out for too long. I'll give you 20 seconds to destroy your face immediately. Otherwise, I'll shoot your mother's hand. Nineteen, eighteen, seventeen..."

Bambam, who had planned to drag this out, heard this and his eyes were filled with anger. He picked up the sharp knife on the table and stabbed it into his face as he roared angrily.

"Don't hurt my mother. I'll do it immediately!"


A gunshot rang out. The knife in Bambam's hand was knocked away by the bullet. Then, a series of gunshots rang out. The men in black surrounding Bambam fell to the ground one after another. The rest of them were also shocked. They came back to their senses and were prepared to counterattack when the door was kicked open by someone.

Lisa appeared at the door with an icy aura and strong murderous intent. The remaining men in black saw Lisa's figure clearly and were instantly scared out of their wits. One by one, they knelt on the ground obediently.

Lisa was just so domineering. He did not need to say anything. The moment he appeared, his brutal and cold aura would be enough to scare these people out of their wits.

When Bambam saw the person standing at the door, it was as though a God had appeared. Bambam knew that he and his mother had been saved. No one would be able to threaten them anymore.

He clenched his fists in agitation and called out, "Big Brother..."

Lisa walked over and pulled Bambam up from the ground. Looking at the wounds on his body, his expression was terrifyingly dark, like a devil from hell. Bambam was his younger brother, how dare they treat him like this?

Lisa's face was cold. He looked frostily at the men in black who were kneeling smugly on the ground.

He said with freezing accents, "Find out who's behind this and send them back."

Felix immediately rushed in with the security guards when he heard this. He captured all the men in black and had his subordinates bring them back. He was going to interrogate them and find out who had the guts to touch the Chairman's brother.

After Lisa finished delegating the work to Felix, he saw Bambam carrying his mentally challenged mother and was walking out. It seemed as though he wanted to escape from here.

So Lisa asked coldly, "Why are you running?"

"My mother is in shock. I want to take her to the hospital." Bambam said with a complicated expression.

Previously, he had not been willing to take his mother to the hospital. Instead, he had hired a caretaker to take good care of her at home. However, from what he had seen just now, perhaps he really had to send her to the hospital. It might be safer for her there.

When Lisa heard this, he did not say anything else.

He only coldly said, "Get in the car, I'll get someone to send both of you there."

"No need, I'll send her there myself. You must be very busy, you should go back first."

Bambam rejected Lisa's good intentions. He did not want Lisa to know that his mother was a mentally ill person.

Lisa looked at Bambam mysteriously and frostily ordered, "Why are you spouting all this nonsense? With your injuries, don't you have to go to the hospital to do a check-up too? Get in the car quickly."

Bambam saw Lisa's icy expression and did not dare to say anything else. He carried his mother and sat in Lisa's car. Lisa also sat in the car with a cold aura.

"Big Brother, if you didn't show up in time today, my mother and I probably would not be alive anymore. Thank you. I'll never be able to repay you in this lifetime. In the next life, I'll be your slave to repay you," Bambam said gratefully.

"Don't thank me."

Lisa's expression was a little complicated as a trace of shock flashed across his eyes. He remembered that Jennie had been with him these past few days and had never seen Bambam before.

'Could Little Mute really foresee the future?'

Thinking of this, he calmly said, "If you really want to thank someone, then thank my wife."

When Bambam heard this, his face was filled with shock. What did this have to do with his wife? Lisa was the one who came and saved them so why did he have to thank Lisa's wife?

He looked at Lisa in surprise and could not help but ask, "You were the one who saved me, so why do I have to thank your wife?"


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now