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Could Ji-hyang really be so kind?

Ji-hyang looked at Jennie with a sincere face and a gentle smile on her face.

“It’s true. How could I harm you?”

Ji-hyang also knew what her mother meant. If Jennie admitted to it, that would shut some people up and stop them from talking nonsense.

Moreover, she could still send her away after that.

Jennie looked at Ji-hyang’s fake smile and pretended to be innocent as she typed.

“But those reporters yesterday already took pictures of your face, and the exposure was so serious. Will my statement really work?”

Ji-hyang was stumped by this question, and her face instantly turned pale. The reporters yesterday had taken pictures and it was clear as day it was her.

When Zhang Ningning saw Ji-hyang’s pale face, she hurriedly glared at Jennie.

“You trash, useless trash, shut up immediately!”

After scolding Jennie, she hurriedly walked to Ji-hyang’s side and comforted her, feeling sorry for her.

“Ji-hyang, don’t worry. Your uncle and I will help you.”

Kim Seon-ho looked at Ji-hyang’s pale face and also felt sorry for her.

“Ji-hyang, go back to your room and rest. I’ll help you settle this.”

Ji-hyang was afraid that if she did not help Jennie, Jennie would suspect her. She said weakly, “Uncle, I’m a little dizzy. I’ll go back and rest first.”

“If you have anything to say, tell sister properly. Don’t be so fierce.”

When Kim Seon-ho heard Ji-hyang’s words, he quickly agreed and told her to go back and rest.

Zhang Ningning winked at Kim Seon-ho, then helped Ji-hyang back to her room.

When Jennie saw the eye contact between Kim Seon-ho and the two of them, she was extremely disappointed and she no longer had any expectations of Kim Seon-ho.

In her previous life, Kim Seon-ho had treated her so mercilessly, but before this she still had hope for Kim Seon-ho. Was she very sick?

Kim Seon-ho saw Jennie standing there in a daze. Afraid that he would push her too far and she would go to the media to expose something, he quickly put on a gentle expression and smiled as he spoke.

“Jennie, Daddy is doing this for your own good. Look, your body is too weak. The air in the countryside is good too. Besides, your illness can heal faster in the countryside.”

Jennie was stunned when she heard this. After two lifetimes, she did not know that she was sick at all?

“What illness do I have?”

Jennie used her phone to ask this question. In her previous life, she thought that she did something wrong when she was drunk, so she was sent away. She was really not sick!

Kim Seon-ho looked at Jennie with a sad expression.

“Jennie, actually, Daddy has been trying to hide it from you. You are mentally ill.”

When Jennie heard this, she quickly used her phone to edit the words and retorted, “Impossible, how could I be mentally ill?”

Kim Seon-ho looked at Jennie with pity and said it in the most serious tone.

“Daddy won’t lie to you. Mental illness is hereditary. Your mother is mentally ill, so you are also mentally ill.”

“But once you get sick, you won’t remember what you did. That’s why I’m sending you to the countryside to rest for a while.”

Looking at the shocked Jennie, Kim Seon-ho said seriously, “About the news on your sister… The man was nearly beaten to death when you got sick.”

“The reason why Ji-hyang didn’t tell the truth in front of the reporters was to protect you!”

While Kim Seon-ho was talking bad about Jennie, he also did not forget to put in a few good words for Ji-hyang.

“As for why Ji-hyang appeared on that bed with that man, it was also because you had a seizure and knocked her unconscious and threw her onto that bed.”

“If your second aunt didn’t get the truth from Ji-hyang, Ji-hyang would have been the scapegoat for you.”

Jennie’s pupils constricted when she heard these words. She looked at Kim Seon-ho in disbelief.

She had never seen someone who could lie like this in her two lifetimes. Moreover, he lied to her face so easily.

She had seen so many shameless people, but she had never seen someone so shameless.

Ji-hyang was a precious baby, and she, Jennie, was trash.

If she had not experienced what happened in her previous life, she might have really believed Kim Seon-ho’s nonsense and believed that she was mentally ill.

At this point, it had to be said that Kim Seon-ho had truly disappointed Jennie.

“Jennie, don’t worry. As soon as you recuperate over there, I will get someone to bring you back immediately.”

“I promise that I won’t let you be like your mother!”

Kim Seon-ho’s face was full of sincerity as if he was swearing upon his life that he would definitely bring Jennie back, as long as she agreed.

Jennie looked at Kim Seon-ho. She did not expect that he was capable of saying such things just to make Ji-hyang and her mother happy.

The most hateful thing was that she was not actually sick, but these people framed her for being sick and it was not just any illness but mental illness!


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now