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Suddenly, Jennie heard someone discussing something outside the cubicle when she closed the toilet door.

"This dumb girl came back to school again. How dare she come back again!"

"Why are you mad about that? What did the dumb girl do this time?"

"Didn't you girls see the school forum?"

"Why would I read the forum early in the morning? Just tell me what happened."

"Someone said that the dumb girl employed some thugs to rape Chaeryeong. Then, when the thugs surrounded Chaeryeong, she saved Chaeryeong. She did that because she wanted to be Chaeryeong's friend."

"No way! Jennie did something so despicable?"

"Chaeryeong is the young lady of the Lee family. The dumb girl knew that Chaeryeong would not be friends with someone like her. So she had to use some tricks to make Chaeryeong her friend."

"D*mn! She is mean."

"Luckily, she can't speak. Otherwise, who knows how many people she might harm."

"Stop accusing others! Jennie would never do something like that. You are slandering her!"

Nayeon happened to pass by and spoke out, trying to defend Jennie. She wanted to prove Jennie was innocent.

"Heh, what is this poor and filthy girl doing here?"

"You are poor and useless, yet you still dare to speak up for Jennie. Are you being arrogant again because I have not beaten you up for long?"

The leader of the group immediately beckoned her girls.

"Girls, go and hold this girl still. We have to refreshen her with the toilet water to make her understand when to talk."

The girls immediately grabbed Nayeon, pulling her into one of the cubicles.

They forcefully pressed Nayeon's head down, and Nayeon struggled with all her might.

"Let go of me, let go..."

"A pauper like you have no rights to talk to us, understand?"

"Rinse your mouth with the toilet water. Make sure you know when to talk and when not to in the future."

The few girls pressed Nayeon's head hard.

"All of you, stop!"

Jennie rushed to Nayeon's side with the phone in her hand and kicked the two people holding onto Nayeon. Then she stood in front of Nayeon and protected her.

She looked at the few people in front of her coldly as she typed on the phone.

"What a bunch of trash! How dare you bully my friend! Have you asked my permission before touching her?"

Zhao Hui snorted in disdain and mocked.

"Hey, dumb girl, who do you think you are? Why do I need your permission to do anything? I am the boss here."

"The one I despise the most is a despicable person like you!"

"Since you are here, why don't you taste the toilet water with your friend?"

As Zhao Hui spoke, she had the girls behind her walk towards Jennie and Nayeon. One of them said.

"Girls, let's do this together. They're just two useless girls. Make sure they drink the toilet water."

"No problem."

The girls nodded in agreement and followed Zhao Hui.

Jennie and Nayeon looked weak, while Zhao Hui and the others were strong girls. There was no reason they couldn't win.

The girls rushed up confidently.

Jennie looked at them with a sneer on her face. They were nothing to her.

She turned around calmly and looked at Nayeon, then she asked.

"Nayeon, did they hurt you?"

Nayeon shook her head, indicating that she was unharmed.

"How is your leg?"

Nayeon bit her lips and asked.

"Thank you for your concern. I'm fine now."

Suddenly, Jennie asked seriously.

"How is your father's health? Did he recover?"

It would have been fine if Jennie did not mention it. Nayeon's eyes instantly turned red when Jennie mentioned her father. Tears rolled around her cheeks as she said.

"My father's illness has no cure, and he had not much time left."

Jennie patted Nayeon's shoulder and comforted her.

"Don't give up so soon. After school, I'll visit your father. Don't worry."

"Maybe we can find some way to cure your father."

In Jennie's last birth, Jennie's mother had the same illness when Jennie was pregnant. She had done plenty of research, trying to cure it..



THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now