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But how could this be? Why would Devil Manoban care so much about her? In order to find her, the entire city was sealed off. How much manpower, material and financial resources would that require?

She was a nobody. Why should he make such a big fuss?

Jennie was in no hurry to figure that out. All she could do at the moment was to watch helplessly at the pastries she couldn't have.

Craving the pastries, Jennie fiercely sipped her syrupy drink.

chaeryeong withdrew her gaze from the television. She noticed Jennie's intense stare at the pastries. She asked curiously,

"Sister Kim, what's the matter? Why aren't you eating? Is it because you can't reach it?"

Jennie nodded. This woman finally realized that she couldn't feed herself.

The pain of not being able to feed oneself is something few people could understand.

"You should have said something. Come, I'll feed you!"

As she spoke, chaeryeong picked up the pastry and brought it to Jennie's mouth. Jennie, who has been salivating at the pastries did not hesitate and quickly took a bite.

The soft sweet pastry was finally in her mouth. Jennie smiled.

Seeing Jennie's joy, chaeryeong smiled back, continued feeding her and said,

"Sister Kim, if you like this, I'll buy it for you every day from now on."

Lisa saw this as he entered the room and heard the words that made him furious.

"Who the f*ck is she mocking? It is not as though I couldn't take care of my own wife. Who needs her help?", he thought.

Lisa's expression was gloomy as he walked towards Jennie. Without waiting for Jennie's response, he picked her up in his arms.

With a stern killer stare, he looked at chaeryeong and said coldly,

"chaeryeong, I don't care what the Lee family wants. Stay far away from Jennie from now on! Do you understand?"

Lisa then looked at Jennie coldly and scolded, "Don't think that you are spared. Be honest. Do you think that I, Lisa, can't support and take care of you?"

Jennie was stunned. What is going on?

"How dare you meddle with my woman? Do you want to die?"

Lisa warned chaeryeong. He was furious and jealous after witnessing the scene earlier.

How dare chaeryeong do that? Even he has not fed Jennie so intimately.

chaeryeong looked in shock at Lisa's devilishly handsome but expressionless face.

"Manoban, Manoban, Manoban..."

"Big Boss Manoban!"

Jennie saw that chaeryeong was stuttering, so she quickly activated text-to-speech on her phone to help chaeryeong.

chaeryeong looked in shock at Jennie, who was being carried by Lisa, and stuttered.

"Je... Sister Kim, you... you and Manoban, Manoban..."

Jennie looked at chaeryeong, who was struggling to speak, and quickly typed on her phone. Text-to-speech,

"Stop speaking. You haven't been able to say anything for a while now, so save it!"

Lisa continued to eye chaeryeong coldly. Without hiding his killer stare, he warned her,

"If it wasn't for your brother, I'll chop off your hand right now."

chaeryeong's brother grew up with Lisa. By that, they are pals.

Frightened by Lisa's words, chaeryeong quickly hid her hands behind her back.

"Why, why, why should you chop off my hand?"

Jennie looked at Lisa in confusion. That's right, chaeryeong never offended him, so why should he chop off her hand?

"chaeryeong, remember what I said just now."

Lisa warned chaeryeong again, and ordered Jennie in a low voice.

"Go home!"

Jennie remained silent. Wasn't he already carrying her? She could not break free at all. If he wanted them to go home, they could leave right away?

What was going on with this Devil Manoban? Did something happen that caused this outburst?



THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now