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Jennie followed the direction given by the nurse at the nurse station and found her mother’s ward in the mental hospital.

She saw four sturdy men standing at the door of the ward. They stood straight and looked like elite security guards.

Jennie took a deep breath and prepared herself to face them. Then, she typed the words she wanted to tell the security guards on the phone and converted them into voices.

“I’m Jennie. Open the door now. I want to go in and see my mom. Don’t waste my time.”

None of the four security guards moved their steps away from the door. One of them explained to Jennie, “Miss, I’m sorry. We can’t open the door for you. No one can go in without the Old Master’s permission.”

Jennie shot a cold glare at those security guards. With anger burning in her, she retorted by typing on her phone.

“Do I even need my dad’s permission to visit my mom? Let me in, or I’ll call my dad and ask him to fire all of you.”

The four security guards looked at Jennie like she was an idiot. None of them had the intention of letting her in.

The four security guards stood there as though their feet were stuck to the ground and didn’t seem like they would budge from their position. Jennie waited silently for a few seconds before using her trump card.

“I’m now Lisa Manoban’s wife. I’m using my authority as Madam Manoban to order you to step aside and let me in. Otherwise, you’ll have to bear the consequences of disobeying my order.”

Jennie played the voice on the phone with one hand and took out her marriage certificate with the other hand.

Jennie flipped open the file containing the marriage certificate. She shoved it in front of the four security guards so they could take a closer look.

The four security guards looked at the marriage certificate in front of them. They were stunned for a moment before they burst into laughter.

“Hahaha! Guys, this useless girl said she is married to the legendary Boss Manoban!”

“I think this dumb girl is crazy like her mother.”

“Yeah! This girl is dumb indeed! Does she think she can deceive us by showing us a fake marriage certificate?”

“Her trick is as dumb as her. What a pathetic and hilarious trick!”

“I doubt this dumb girl has been outside before. She will not be so dumb if she knows not everyone is as stupid as she is. Hahaha!”

Jennie looked at the four security guards in front of her. She had never expected this to happen.

She couldn’t understand why they refused to believe she was indeed Boss Manoban's wife.

Jennie even began to wonder if the security guards were looking down on her.

Jennie’s face flushed with anger. The four security guards did not even look at the marriage certificate and assumed it was fake. She immediately typed in her phone.

“I’ll call Lisa now to prove that I’m not lying.”

When the four security guards heard this, they laughed out louder. There was a sneer on their faces, mocking at Jennie’s absurd confidence.

“Do you think we will believe you have Boss Manoban's contact number when even we don’t have his number?”

“You are just going to make a random call and tell us that it’s Boss Manoban's phone number. Do you think we are fools?”

Jennie turned livid with rage. She was frustrated with the stubborn security guards who didn’t believe her words.

“Since you don’t believe that I can call Boss Manoban's number, I’ll call his assistant then.”

Jennie continued typing, “I’m sure you know Assistant Manoban's number.”

The four security guards were still mocking her. They knew Max’s contact number because they had to call him whenever they had something to report to Lisa.

“So what if we know Assistant Manoban's contact number? Do you think he will play along with your dumb act?”

Jennie ignored the security guard’s mock and dialed Max’s number.

She dialed the number and immediately hung up. Then she sent Max a message asking for his help.

“Max, please pass the phone to Lisa. I’ll call him later.”

“Tell Lisa to answer the call and ask him to say if I’m his wife.”

Max received Jennie’s call less than two minutes after receiving the message.

Although Lisa was busy, Max still took the phone to Lisa and handed it to him respectfully.

“Chairman, this call is for you.”

Max did not want to admit that Jennie was Madam Manoban. So, he did not tell Lisa that it was a call from Jennie.

“Do I look like I have the time to answer any random calls?”

Lisa flipped through the documents as he spoke coldly. Any calls from people who didn’t call his private number weren’t important.

“Don’t hand me calls from your phone without an important reason. I will deduct your salary for the month if you do this again.”

Jennie was speechless and cursed Lisa silently when she heard the heartless words that came out of him from the other end of the call.

The four security guards heard that too and immediately mocked Jennie again.

“Oh, did you say you were Madam Manoban? Old Master is right! You and your mom are both lunatics.”

“Yeah, right! This girl is probably suffering from delusion. Alright! Get lost now, Miss.”

Jennie looked at the ward that was just inches away, which she could not enter no matter how hard she tried. She clenched her fist tightly out of frustration..


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now