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Lisa could not hide his desire as he looked at Jennie. She had just taken a shower, and her skin was tender and soft.

Her face was blushing because she was angry, and her eyes were burning with anger.

All of that made Lisa's desire burn in him. His desire grew stronger and stronger.

Jennie did not notice Lisa's change in expression. She thought that Lisa had realized his mistake and continued to write on Lisa's chest.

"Of course, if you apologize to me and admit your mistake, and promise that you won't make me learn martial arts anymore. I can forgive you, and we can still be friends."

Lisa felt Jennie's words on his chest and snapped out his daze.

He suppressed the desire and looked at Jennie coldly. He smirked and teased Jennie.

"Do you think I'll listen to someone so incapable like you?"

Jennie was even more displeased when she heard that. She glared at Lisa and used her finger to write on his chest.

"Hey! I am not incapable. I can do many things."

Lisa ignored Jennie. Expressionlessly, Lisa took the towel and wrapped Jennie's body.

Jennie noticed Lisa's movements as well. Her whole body stiffened, and her face blushed more.

Jennie managed to calm her hammering heart a little after taking a few deep breaths. She mustered her courage and wrote on Lisa's chest with her finger.

"Erm, did you not see anything just now, right?"

Lisa remained silent. He did not want to answer because he did not want to lie.

Jennie looked at Lisa's face. He was still calm as ever, making Jennie unable to see through his thoughts.

"I think you did not see anything. Otherwise, you won't be so calm. Any normal man would..."

Jennie was writing on Lisa's chest. Suddenly, she lowered her head shyly and stopped writing.

She wondered if Lisa was a man. It puzzled her that he could remain calm after seeing a naked woman.

Anyway, Lisa said nothing, nor did he do anything to Jennie. So, Jennie decided she would pretend that he did not see anything!

Jennie's embarrassed look amused Lisa, but he did not show it on his face.

He carried Jennie and left the bedroom, striding back to his room. After all, they had agreed that they would sleep together.

He placed Jennie on the big bed, turned around, and took out a set of cute pajamas from the wardrobe. He also put Jennie's underwear next to her.

"Change into your pajamas. Don't catch a cold. I'm going to take a bath."

Jennie lowered her head and did not speak. She only quickly put on her clothes when Lisa entered the bathroom.

After putting on her clothes, she went straight into the bed and covered herself with the blanket.

Frustratedly, Jennie slammed the bed with her fist. She remembered holding onto her bathrobe tightly but did not recall the part she let go of her grip. Lisa had seen her naked because of that.

That was so embarrassing to Jennie.

Jennie wished she had an invisibility cloak, which could turn her invisible for the time being. She was sure a malicious man like Lisa would make fun of her clumsy act.

Lisa had just finished bathing. He saw Jennie playing in the blanket like a child when he walked out of the bathroom.

He looked at Jennie with love. Jennie was indeed still a kid. Otherwise, Jennie would not be so childish.

However, there was nothing he could do. Since Jennie was his wife, he could only accept it and spoil her like a child.

Lisa lifted the blanket with an expressionless face. When Lisa saw Jennie putting on a wary look when she saw him, he said coldly.

"What are you doing? Is there a monster in the blanket? Are you pretending to be Ultraman?"

Jennie frowned when she heard Lisa talking to her like that. She could not believe that Lisa thought she was childish.

Lisa reached out and stroked Jennie's hair as he said.

"Alright, stop playing. Get up and have dinner first. You can continue playing after dinner."

Jennie felt that Lisa was saying that on purpose. She had a feeling that Lisa was treating her like his child and not his wife.

Jennie had already lived for two lifetimes. She was even older than Lisa if she added the age of her two lives.

She couldn't believe that Lisa would cox her like coxing a kid..



THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now