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Jennie looked at the silent Lisa, who exuded a cold aura. She felt a little guilty and tried to find something to say.

“Master Manoban, with your esteemed status, only Max follow you when you go out?”

“I’ve seen those big shots on TV. They have to have at least ten cars of bodyguards to escort them.”

Lisa remained silent. What was Jennie getting at?

When Max, who was driving, heard Jennie’s idiotic question, he immediately spoke with disdain.

“Idiotic woman. Those are just ordinary wealthy families. When others see our Manoban family’s car, they can only stay far away. They don’t even dare to come within three meters of us.”

Jennie remembered that something would happen to Lisa the next day. Moreover, he would be shot by someone on the way to the airport, so she had to type a reminder.

“How can you walk by the river without getting your shoes wet? It’s better to be more cautious.”

Max scoffed. “That’s because you don’t know what kind of status the Manoban family has in this world. What kind of power and influence do we have?”

Max’s words were filled with disdain for Jennie.

Today, Master Manoban suddenly wanted information on Jennie. While Max was investigating, he also thoroughly found out what kind of idiot Jennie was.

She was a bad student, a drug addict, a nymphomaniac, and many other things. When she found out that her target did not like her, she even forced him to get engaged to her and even became an old man’s mistress.

Max did not have a good impression of Jennie at all.

He did not understand why the high and mighty Master Manoban agreed to bring this piece of trash back to the manor.

A manor comparable to the imperial palace was a place only the head of the Manoban family and the future mistress could live in. How could this lowly trash with a dark history live in it?

When Jennie heard Max’s arrogance and confidence, she held her forehead helplessly.

Sometimes, powerful people can be blinded by their confidence and let people get hold of their loop-holes.

After a moment of silence, Jennie looked at Lisa and she typed on the phone.

“Lisa, are you going abroad tomorrow?”

Lisa looked at Jennie in surprise, but it quickly turned into a cold gaze, his eyes filled with dignity.

Even Max did not know that he was going out, so how would Jennie know?

Max saw that Lisa ignored Jennie and scoffed in disdain.

“Mute, don’t you know how to read fortunes?”

“Why haven’t you figured it out yet? You left a note for our chairman before because you learned how to swindle people, right?”

Max and Felix were both Lisa’s trusted aides. He had never heard that the chairman was going abroad.

Jennie was speechless. She was not afraid to face an opponent who was like god, but she was afraid that her teammates would be as stupid as pigs.

Did he really think she was a swindler-fortune teller? She decided to go with the storyline.

“That’s right, I do know fortune-telling. Didn’t I read it for your chairman?”

Jennie readily admitted to it. Since Max had already said so, there was no need to refute.

When the ice-like Lisa heard this, he immediately asked, “You really know how to read fortunes?”

When Jennie heard this cold voice, she looked at Lisa and smiled enigmatically. Then, she typed casually.

“Master Manoban, do you think my fortune-telling is accurate?”

An obscure light flashed in Lisa’s cold eyes as he stared coldly at Jennie.

Jennie saw the powerful pressure in Lisa’s eyes and her red lips curled up slightly. There was a slight smile on her face, but she could still feel tiny chills down her back.

Lisa’s aura was too terrifying. His eyes were like the devil from hell, terrifying and bloodthirsty, making people break out in cold sweat.

Jennie had to admit that he really got her there.

His gaze seemed to be able to see through people’s hearts, sharp to the point that no one could hide it.

If one was targeted by Lisa, as long as he had the slightest bit of guilt, he would be scared shitless by these eyes.

Fortunately, Jennie knew that what she said was about to happen, so she was not talking nonsense, so she did not feel guilty.

Under Lisa’s gaze of death, Jennie’s face had a faint smile and confidence, so Lisa could not find anything wrong with her.

If Jennie was really sent by someone else, under Lisa’s aura, she would not be so calm.

“What kind of wedding do you want?”

Lisa gently opened his sexy thin lips and said calmly.

Jennie was stunned for a moment. What? A wedding? Did she not just say that she could read fortunes? Why did he suddenly mention a wedding?

When Max heard Lisa’s words, his face was full of surprise as he tried to persuade him.

“Chairman, you must think twice!”

“She’s just a useless, love-struck idiot with a dark history; she’s not worthy of you at all!”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now