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Jennie suddenly woke up. She had died tragically in her previous life, and even though she was dreaming, it sent chills down her spine.

She turned around and touched Lisa’s arm. The man’s warmth gave Jennie a sense of security, preventing her from falling into fear.

She hugged Lisa’s arm, wanting to absorb more warmth, but at that moment, in Jennie’s mind, like a movie, strange and important scenes flashed through her mind, playing non-stop, as if telling her to remember.

Jennie looked at these scenes and then looked at Lisa beside her. The scenes in her mind were all closely related to Lisa.

She saw... three days later, Lisa had a car accident and lost a leg. Five days later, he was shot, and the gun shot pierced his heart. He was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment and was in critical condition.

These things seemed to have happened to Lisa in her past life. She had seen the news before, but now, these things were actually more detailed than the news reports. It was as if she had experienced it herself.

What was going on? Could it be that after she was reborn, she could predict the future?

Jennie looked at the person beside her who had a powerful aura even when he was sleeping. How did he become like that?

However, she still had to wait until it was safe before she could verify whether it was right or not.

She looked at the sky. It was still early, so Jennie hugged Lisa’s arm again.

Under the moonlight, she saw the time on Lisa’s Patek Philippe watch and instantly sat up in shock.

In her past life, it had happened at this time.

Ji-hyang should have sent someone to secretly take her away and take her into that room.

The next day, when she woke up, there was news everywhere that she was drunk and in heat looking for a gigolo to fool around with for a night. There were also photos of her naked and hugging a gigolo, her body covered with ambiguous marks. But in reality, she did not know what was going on at all.

After her father brought her home, he gave her a good beating and even threatened to beat her to death, a daughter who ruined the family and made him lose face.

It was Ji-hyang who begged her father to let her go and sent her to a small town instead. Because of this, Jennie trusted Ji-hyang. She even helped Ji-hyang, making her a genius in everyone’s eyes.

Thinking about how stupid she was before, Jennie clenched the sheets tightly, and her knuckles turned white.

She cautioned herself to calm down. Her mother was still under Ji-hyang’s control. Before she took revenge, she had to make sure that her mother was safe.

Jennie glanced at Lisa who was still in a deep sleep. She got up and sneakily got out of bed. She found a pen and paper in the suite and wrote a few words.

“My name is Jennie Kim. Remember my name and come find me.”

She remembered that in her past life, she had never seen Lisa again except for this night. She quickly wrote another note and stuffed it into Lisa’s palm.

After she was done, Jennie heard the sound of the door opening. She quickly laid down on the side and pretended that she was still in a deep sleep.

The two of them quietly approached her and carried her out of the presidential suite to Room 605. After throwing Jennie onto the bed, the two of them left the room in a hurry.

Not long after, the sound of conversation came from the door. This voice was very familiar to her but she could not remember who it was.

Jennie quickly got up and quietly walked to the door to listen carefully.

After listening for a while, Jennie realized that this voice was the pretty boy that Ji-hyang kept outside — Lin Qiang!

In her previous life, Ji-hyang had let this man slander her, rape her, and abuse her, making everyone think that she was a sl*t. Because of this, she was exiled to that small town by her family and died tragically in the operating room.

Jennie was immersed in painful memories when Lin Qiang suddenly pushed open the door and entered. When he saw Jennie standing by the door, he was a little surprised, as if he did not expect her to wake up so quickly.

A cold light flashed in Jennie’s eyes. She grabbed something from the side and hit the back of Lin Qiang’s head. Lin Qiang felt pain but could not react in time to the sudden attack.

Lin Qiang’s vision went black, and he looked at Jennie with shock. “You...”

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Qiang fainted on the ground.

Jennie looked at him, and the corners of her mouth immediately curled up. She grabbed Lin Qiang’s ankles and dragged him towards the big bed in the room.

“Lin Qiang, in my previous life, you did what Ji-hyang told you to do and caused me to be so miserable. Just wait for my revenge!”

Jennie used all her strength to move Lin Qiang to the bed. After slapping Lin Qiang to vent her anger, she took out Lin Qiang’s phone and sent a message to Ji-hyang. Scum should die together with scum!

At this moment, a virtual blue screen suddenly appeared on the watch on Jennie’s wrist.

It was the contact person from the hacker empire, Solar.

“Kim, someone wants to get a piece of information on the US stock market. The price is definitely tempting. Shall we accept the order?”

Jennie coldly typed the word, “No.”

The most important thing now was revenge. Accepting orders had to be postponed!


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now