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Jennie looked at Solar’s message and replied coldly, “Weren’t you busy just now? You’re free now, huh?”

“Well, you’re my Boss. I ought to listen to my Boss no matter how busy I am. It is extremely eye-opening to listen to your wise words.” Solar replied with flattery instantly and even sent a coquettish emoji to Jennie.

Jennie also replied with a coquettish emoji and said, “At least you came back quickly, you wretched girl.”

“Hurry up and tell me, what is the plan?”

Solar asked anxiously. She had thought about how dire the straits the alliance was currently in, and that her income might not even be able to match that of a waiter’s at a restaurant.

Jennie watched Solar’s change in attitude gleefully.

“Aiya, Solar, I’m not in a good mood right now, so I don’t really want to talk about it. Who told you to be busy just now?”

Solar sat in front of the computer and looked at the message Jennie sent. She wished she could crawl through the screen to bite Jennie.

“Dearest Kim, Little Kim, hurry up and spill it! Otherwise, we’ll starve to death, and no one will have it good!”

Jennie originally wanted to tease Solar and then discuss this plan properly.

However, when she heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom, she knew that Lisa was about to come out.

“I can’t do it today. I’m already tired, so I’ll wash up and go to bed first.”

After Jennie said that, she immediately went offline. This was what Solar often did to her, so Jennie wanted to give her a taste of what it was like.

Solar looked at Jennie who had gone offline and felt like crying, but no tears came out.

Could this be the legendary turning of the tides? She had finally tasted what it was like today. She would have to change herself in the future.

Solar was unwilling to give up and sent Jennie an apology emoji.

“Kim, come back quickly. I’ve apologized. I know my mistakes very well. Please be magnanimous and forgive me. Quickly, tell me the plan.”

Solar’s curiosity had already been piqued by Jennie. How could she give up so easily?

Jennie smiled with satisfaction when she saw Solar like this.

Ha, how dare this damned girl use that tactic of hers on me. Now she’s getting this bad habit fixed!

“Solar, we’ll talk when I wake up. I’m too sleepy.”

In the beginning, Jennie did want to tell Solar about the plan. But if she were to do this now, it would be right under Lisa’s nose. It seemed a little too much to discuss how to reap from him.

Most importantly, it was too dangerous. It was better to wait until school tomorrow and avoid Devil Manoban.

Just as Jennie was about to give Solar a reply, the bathroom door opened.

Lisa was only wearing a towel, and there were droplets of water on his body. He still had that unchanging cold aura around him as he walked out.

Jennie quickly walked over with the bathrobe in her hand.

The man who had just showered was still dripping with water droplets from his hair. The water droplets trailed past his chest, his perfect abs, and finally disappeared under the beautiful mermaid line…

Jennie looked at the charming Lisa and covered her mouth in surprise. Was he trying to seduce her?

Lisa saw the stunned Jennie and strode over. He opened his arms and spat out three words, “Put it on.”

Jennie was initially mesmerized by Lisa’s face, but now she was completely awake.

This Devil Manoban really treated himself as an ancient emperor and her like a servant girl. He could order her around however he wanted?

Jennie really wanted to give him a big slap to wake him up.

Lisa waited for a long time, but Jennie still did not move. He could not help but frown. A pair of cold black eyes with an imposing gaze stared at Jennie.

Jennie saw that oppressive look in his eyes and lowered her head. She pointed at Lisa’s towel.

“You’re not wearing anything under here, so I can’t take the towel off for you. Isn’t that a little inappropriate?” Lisa looked at Jennie and asked

After all, he had just taken a shower. Other than the towel, there could not be any other clothes inside.

“I told you to put it on for me, so you put it on for me. Why do you have so much nonsense to say? Do you want to die?” Lisa asked

Lisa pulled down the towel on his body, not caring about what Jennie thought of it.

Jennie’s eyes widened as she stared at Lisa in a daze. What is he doing? Is he scheming against me?

When Lisa saw Jennie like this, his face could not help but blush.

He covered Jennie’s head with the towel in his hand, took the pajamas, and quickly put them on.

“Are you taking advantage of me?”

When Jennie heard Lisa’s words, she immediately pulled off the towel on her head and looked at Lisa innocently. Using her phone to speak, she said: “Who is taking advantage of you? I was just scared and forgot to close my eyes.”

Jennie initially thought that she would be able to see some things that she should not have. But she did not expect Lisa to be wearing underwear under the towel.

Lisa narrowed his eyes and a faint smile appeared on his lips.

“Things have already come to this.. It seems that only you know whether or not you were doing it on purpose just now, isn’t it?”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now