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Jennie was confused. What was going on? Didn't he say that they would go home together after his workday ends?

"Yes, Chairman."

Felix promptly entered the office and replied respectfully with a bow. He then turned around and impassively walked towards Jennie.

"Madam, it's time to go."

Now that he can take this little mute away, he need not worry about her angering the chairman further, bringing everyone down with her. It was mentally exhausting.

Jennie looked briefly at Lisa's stern profile as she got up and followed Felix out.

Devil Manoban's mood was like the weather. It changed without warning. One could never tell when he was angry or happy.

A new plan occurred to Jennie as they arrived downstairs.

She waved at Felix and quickly typed on her phone. Text-to-voice narrated, "Butler Manoban, I don't want to go home yet. Why don't you go back upstairs? I'll head to the library and study there for a while."

Felix looked at Jennie and said coldly, "No, the chairman asked me to take you back to the manor. I must comply. Please don't make things difficult for me."

Jennie's request was outright rejected. She continued typing, "Boss Manoban shouldn't stay here alone. It's too dangerous. You should go back up and protect him!"

"A person like me is safe wherever I go. No one cares."

Felix was slightly swayed and was wondering if he should agree with her as a Taxi drove by and Jennie hailed it.

Jennie quickly got into the Taxi and waved off Felix, motioning him to hurry back upstairs.

Seeing Jennie's demeanor and out of his trust in her, Felix let her go.

Half an hour later, Jennie arrived at a relatively famous nightclub.

Since it's still light out, the place was not open for business. There were only a few cleaners and waiters preparing for the night.

The reason she came here was to find Bambam.

Bambam has not shown himself in a while. She felt uneasy, worried that something might have happened to him.

She walked into the nightclub, and before she could ask if Bambam was there, a waiter said, "Hello, Miss. We're not yet open for business. You're welcome after 7 pm and please feel free to make a reservation."

Hearing this, Jennie quickly typed on her phone and explained, "Thank you. I'm not here to drink. I'm here to find your boss. Is Bambam here?"

The waiter was surprised and asked,

"Miss, how did you know that our boss is Bambam? Why are you looking for him?"

Bambam was a notorious playboy. This couldn't be another lovers' quarrel, could it?

Jennie looked at the surprised waiter and typed on her phone,

"It doesn't matter how I know. The point is, I'm looking for him. Tell me now, where is he?"

The waiter dared not say more so he answered truthfully, "Master Manoban [Bambam] hasn't been here in the past few days. We don't know where he is either. If you know him very well, you could try finding him at home or call him."

Jennie nodded politely and thanked him using her phone before turning around to leave.

Jennie was solemn. Where exactly did Bambam go? Did something bad already happen to him ?

She walked in a daze on the street. Before long, she heard an inexplicable scream coming from above her head.

It was a little girl's voice.

Jennie immediately looked up and saw a little girl falling. Without thinking, she stretched out her arms to catch the little girl.

She herself had been reborn. She understood that living wasn't easy, but it was better than dying.

Furthermore, she couldn't watch such a young life disappear before her eyes so her instinct was to catch her.


With two cracking sounds, Jennie successfully caught the girl, but both her arms were broken due to the immense weight.

Fortunately, the girl was caught safely..


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now