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The students didn’t believe it at all. They all thought that Jennie said that out of guilty. So they started whispering among themselves.

“That dumb girl, she is feeling nervous, isn’t she?”

“Look at her face. Our list frightens her. Her face is blushing. She must be anxious.”

“That’s right. Yet Jennie is pretending that she will give us a chance. Who is she trying to deceive?”

Jennie’s heart was racing. Her face was obviously blushing from the excitement of earning so much money with ease.

She had no idea why her classmates thought she was blushing out of nervousness.

The class belle stood up at this time. As the person who started that, she looked at Jennie in disdain and said.

“Dumb girl, you don’t have to pretend like you are excited.”

“Since we can write it, we can afford it. But you, you better be able to pay it if you lose. You can’t cheat.”

Jisoo immediately stood up and shouted arrogantly.

“That’s right, dumb. Let me tell you. I could still write a few million more worth of food if the teacher hadn’t set a time limit.”

“So, what if I spend more than ten million a day? I have the money to do so!”

“If you can’t get into the top three, you will have to eat poop and kneel. We will never feel sorry for you.”

“And, if you can’t pay up in the future, you’ll have to lick my shoes every day.”

“Not only do you have to lick my shoes, but also everyone’s shoes. You must lick them clean every day!”

Jennie’s anger rose, and she shot Jisoo a cold glare.

Jisoo was so scared by Jennie’s gaze that he shuddered. That glare made him fear Jennie like he feared a devil or demons.

Jennie noticed that Jisoo her imposing manner had scared Zhang Ze. She glanced at her classmates and typed on her phone.

“You guys aren’t willing to change anymore? Then don’t kneel and beg me when you lose.”

“I will only feel disgusted even if you are willing to lick my shoes. Don’t say that I didn’t give you guys a chance.”

Jennie felt bad when Jisoo wrote things that were so expensive in his list.

But now, it seemed that she didn’t need to feel bad at all. Her classmates wanted to take advantage of her, so Jennie might as well let them be.

The teacher saw the students’ attitude and immediately interrupted.

“Alright, students, class begins now. Take out your books and turn to page twenty-one…”

Jennie also began to listen to the lesson attentively, and even after class, she began to read and study.

Time flew by, and soon, it was dusk. It was also time to head home. Under her classmates’ malicious gaze, Jennie carried her bag out of the classroom.

Her stomach was already growling after studying all day. All she wanted now was to go home and eat.

However, halfway through, she suddenly felt less hungry when she remembered that demon, Lisa, was sleeping with her that night.

“F*ck, Lisa is threatening me!” thought Jennie.

However, when she looked down at her flat stomach, she felt confused. She wondered if she was pregnant now.

“Madam, I’m here to pick you up.”

Felix’s voice pulled Jennie back to reality. Jennie looked at Felix in surprise and typed on her phone.

“Um, why did you drive the car here?”

Jennie had always asked Felix to park the car further away. After all, the car might attract plenty of unwanted attention. Someone thought Jennie was some wealthy man’s mistress when she came out of that car.

Felix opened the car door and answered respectfully.

“Madam, the chairman asked me to drive the car here. He is worried that you and young master will be in danger.”

When Jennie heard that and saw Lisa in the car, she could only obediently get into the car.

Lisa put down the document and looked at Jennie coldly.

“What? Does this car of mine embarrass you?”

Jennie immediately felt danger approaching her. She quickly typed on the phone.

“Boss, your car is so luxurious. It’s my honor to ride in it. Why would I be embarrassed?”

Lisa nodded in satisfaction. He continued reading the document in his hand, pleased that Jennie did not argue with him.

As for what happened that morning, Lisa had already thought about ways to punish Jennie..


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now