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“Dead or alive, if you try something funny on me, you’re all going to get cut to pieces,” Selugi threatened, narrowing his eyes. He was positive if anything were to happen to him, his uncle would avenge him.

The men with the helmet cackled. One of them pointed to Selugi, his tone sarcastic, “I can’t tell if you’re dumb or putting up an act because we’re all wearing helmets. Our eyes here—we altered them using makeup too. If we decide to kill you tonight, your uncle won’t find us. So what if he’s powerful and supreme? No one in the world could have recognized us, even our mothers.”

Selugi could only clench his fists tight.

When the gang of men saw how headstrong he was, their audacity swamped. They noticed the girl behind him and teased, “Why the glum look, Master Kang? Should anything happen, you’ll still have the pretty lady with you through thick and thin. Oh, I know—you’ll be ward mates, too, having the company of one another. Isn’t that great?”

Selugi looked over his shoulder, but Ji-hyang already shook his hand off, her face white as a ghost as she stared at the men in horror, tears welling up in her eyes. “No. Don’t hurt me. I barely know him. Please! He’s your enemy, isn’t he? You can have him. There’s no need to hurt an unarmed, fragile girl like me. I’m innocent.”

As Ji-hyang begged for mercy, it fanned the arrogance and the taunting even more. “What the hell, bro? So this is what you call your h*e? I thought you two got something real going on. But this? It’s a ‘plastic’ relationship.”

Selugi tightened his grip, looking at Ji-hyang in disbelief. He’d wanted to beg them to let her go in the first place, and even pathetically, he’d thought she’d stay for him just like when they were little. Rain or shine, no matter how bad it was, she’d put on her bravest front. Yet, he’d never imagined her being so afraid of death. The words she’d said for the sake of her survival: barely knew him? They grew up together, for goodness sake.

Ji-hyang didn’t care what Selugi thought of him. She cared nothing but only herself, and that’s how the world works—selfishness. She did this to survive, to live a better future. And that would be Mrs.Manoban. There was no way she’d go from healthy to cripple over one night.

Almost teasingly, the bikers spoke, “Well, it’s not like we can’t let you go. Not if you spit at Selugi, tell him he’s trash, and kneel before us.”

Without second thoughts, Ji-hyang got to her knees and groveled.

“Haha!” the men burst into laughter. “Good girl. Such a darling. Now go spit at him.”

Ji-hyang got up immediately, eyes full of satire as she spat at Selugi. “Dumb*ss. The only thing you know is causing trouble wherever you go, dragging me down with you. From now on, we’re finished.”

She turned back to the bikers. “How about that, guys? Are you happy? Can I leave now?”

Selugi let out a self-deprecating smile. Never in his dreams did he expect Ji-hyang to behave that way. His eyes were full of disappointment.

Forget it. Selugi had protected her, but she abandoned him. He had repaid his debt, and from now on, he owed her nothing.

He had already repaid her for saving his life in the past. From now on, he no longer owes Ji-hyang Anything.

“Mm. Hurry up and get your a*s out of here. You’re standing in our way to get this guy’s a*s kicked.” As they were more than satisfied to see Ji-hyang leave, one of them sent Selugi flying with a kick next.

Selugi landed near Jennie, a fountain of blood forced out of his mouth.

Jennie winced—how the hell did he get here? She was only trying to rubberneck.

When Ji-hyang saw how they sent Selugi flying and coughing out blood, she ran away in fear.

Partially conscious, Selugi lay on the ground, watching the girl flee with so much disappointment written on his face—that was a complete 180 compared to the girl who’d save him undauntingly when he was little. Had it not been Ji-hyang who’d admitted she was his savior, he’d never have believed it.

Holding her helmet, Ji-hyang smirked as she watched Ji-hyang bolt. It seemed that her doing had completely broken Selugi’s heart. Maybe it wasn’t a bad thing after all—Selugi gotta see her true colors finally..


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now