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Jennie looked at the books in front of her and stood up unhappily. Looking at Lisa who was holding a book in one hand, she said,

"Boss, I can't get it."

Lisa looked at Jennie in confusion. He put down the book and habitually caressed Jennie's hair.

"What's wrong? Are you tired?"

Jennie felt Lisa's gentleness. Just as she was about to praise him, Lisa said mercilessly,

"Or is it that you're not smart enough to understand?"

Jennie felt a great humiliation. She appeared very unhappy and angry as she said,

"You are the one who's not smart enough."

Jennie was so angry that she completely forgot who Lisa was. Lisa looked at Jennie coldly.

"are you scolding me?"

This Little Mute was getting bolder. She was the only one who dared to talk back to him in his entire life!

Jennie gloated. Was Devil Manoban getting mad?

However, when she thought of Lisa's earlier action, she showed a faint smile. Her mind went blank. Then, she tiptoed and kissed Lisa on his lips.

She gave him a light peck and moved away. This kiss made Lisa freeze on the spot.

From a poker face, he immediately turned into a surprised look with his ears turning red.

An inexplicable flame burnt in his eyes. Blood began to run all over his body.

He asked in a cold tone,"Why did you kiss me?"

'Lisa realized that he did not sound quite right. His ears turned even redder as he stared at Jennie.

Jennie could sense something from his voice. Her face was instantly blushed.

Jennie blinked a few times, but she dared not look at Lisa. She couldn't say that she kissed him out of fear that Devil Manoban would strangle her, right?

Jennie was not such a timid person!

After thinking for a moment, Jennie revealed an evil smile. She lifted Lisa's chin as she said,

"I just realized that you have beautiful lips."

"I just wanted to know what it feels like to kiss them, so I just did it impulsively."

'When Lisa heard this, he suddenly expected more.

"Oh? How did it feel then?"

Lisa grabbed Jennie's hand and pushed her to the wall. Jennie lowered her head as her body was embraced by Lisa like a baby.

Lisa was so close to her and she could smell the faint fragrance on his body. Her face turned red.

Jennie's heart could not help but beat wildly. It was thumping so hard like thunder. She had butterflies in her stomach.

To hide her heartbeat sounds, she pushed Lisa's chest and said,"Hey, get up. You're getting too close that I can't breathe. Quickly get up and let's talk properly."

Lisa leaned closer to Jennie when he heard this. It was as if they were about to kiss again in the next second.

"Well before that, do you want to answer my question first? Otherwise, I won't get up." While staring at her red lips, Lisa replied.

He stared at Jennie who was embarrassed.

Jennie saw the fire in Lisa's eyes. She was a little afraid but also slightly looking forward to it. She answered,"It's okay. I don't feel much."

When Lisa heard this, his face instantly darkened. Even the surrounding air became chilly as he said,

"Think about it before you say anything. Watch your words."

Jennie took a glance at Lisa's unhappy face and instantly cowered. She immediately replied,"Well, your lips looked so beautiful and I thought it would feel nice, so I kissed you."

"After I kissed it, I realized it felt a little cold. It was okay, but not as good as I imagined."

'Lisa laughed bitterly when he heard this. This Little Mute had really made him mad. He said,"As expected, you are stupid."

She was given a chance to rephrase, yet that was her reply. She was indeed stupid, right?

Jennie was furious to hear that. Devil Manoban was really going too far, why would he keep mentioning that she was stupid?

Just as she was about to speak, Lisa's voice sounded again.

"Now, I'll ask you again... How did it feel?"


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now