Chapter 61

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We're finally going back home. Cheryl and I decided to stay two extra days at the hotel instead of just one, and I am so glad we did.
The first day, I slept most of the day and night, so I was glad when she shyly suggested a second stay. I, of course, couldn't agree faster.

Cheryl has been absolutely amazing. She's constantly asking and making sure I'm doing okay, and surprisingly, I found myself secretly enjoying how attentive she is to me.

Usually, it's me who is always in everyone's case, making sure they're doing well, but it's nice to be the one being taken care of.

I look to my side; Cheryl's been staring out of the window the whole ride back. I can tell she is dreading being back because it means she'll be going back to London for a bit. The time frame is still uncertain, and I am trying my hardest to hide the fact that it is, in fact, hurting me not knowing how long we'll be separated.

I hate myself for not being able to travel home with her. It'd make our lives so much easier. If I could just pick up my suitcases and go with her.

"Baby-" Cheryl slowly turns to face me.


"Never mind us, it's stupid-" She goes to turn back around, but I stop her, holding her shoulder gently but firmly.

"What is it, my love?" I make sure my voice is soft; I can see the vulnerability in Cheryl's chocolate eyes, and I don't want to make her feel like she can't tell me how she's really feeling.

"Can I—you know—I mean—erm—" She is stuttering, and I bit my lip, suppressing a giggle.

"Sure, baby, whatever it is, you can." I lean over and kiss her slightly pouted lips.

"I- I can call you wifey even though we're back?" She looks at me like I've lost my mind.

"Oh, that was it?" I was confused as to why she was having such a hard time asking such a simple question. "We can go to the beach right now and sign our names in the sand, so we can extend the sand-written marriage arrangements here, at home." I show her my biggest smile.

Truth be told, hearing her call me that doesn't bother me in the slightest. It's bizarre how comfortable and domestic everything feels with Cheryl.

"REALLY!!!" Cheryl's eyes are wide and full of love, and I can't help but fall in love with her even more.

"I just have to get you a ring, so you don't forget who you belong to." I winked, wiggling my finger that held her grandmother's ring.

I still haven't wrapped my head around the fact that I am wearing this ring. It must mean so much to Cheryl, and I am still finding it hard to believe she's given it to me. She did it without a second thought.

"I would love a ring from me wife!" My little Geordie girl says, squeezing the living light out of me, but I don't complain.

"Come on," I open the door and wait for her to take my hand.

There are no cars parked up front, so it can only mean we have the house to ourselves. As much as I absolutely loved being away with just Cheryl, I did miss my crazy friends, but mostly, I missed my big, comfy bed.

I half helped Cheryl bring our bags to the living room, but I didn't even bother bringing them up to our room.

"Our room?" I chuckle to myself, and soon it turns into a laugh the second I open the door.

Cheryl has pretty much moved into my room; her stuff is scattered everywhere. Every little corner has been taken over by Cheryl, a visual representation of how she's taken over my mind and my life.

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