chapter 10

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Kim’s POV

I’m at the bar waiting for mine and Cheryl’s drink, I feel like a right twat, I mean she obviously was being sarcastic when she said she was doing brilliant. Of course she was, kim you dumbfuck

This bartender needs to hurry up so I can go and say sorry to her, seems like that’s what I’ve been doing lately. Apologizing to Cheryl.

“hey there love, what can I get for you” the bartender tries to flirt but it aint working.

“Vodka and Lemonade, and a Martini please” a simple replay so he can see I am not interested.

“one second, love” he winked. Ok dude you are off your head.

So much for VIP. I m still waiting for the drinks, but I guess it understandable the club is full on packed. As I’m waiting I pull my phone out, early I was texting Katy, I havent seen her in a while and well she still have no clue about the whole Ashley incident. And to be honest i need to tell her, I need my sister’s conform. I texted her earlier asking when she would be home.  Unlock my phone to find several missed calls and text messages from Ashley. He’s been trying to contact me since our little encounter at Cheryl’s hotel room. I don’t even bother to read the text or listen to the voice mails because they are all the same “baby I love you I miss you” “forgive me” “I would do anything for you” blah blah, eat shit now asshole. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. And to be honest being a fooled twice by different guys isn’t such an amazing feeling.

K8T<3 : Soon Kims, busy working.

Wow that was cold as fuck, what have I done to upset her? I haven’t talk to her and now she’s being cold and shit towards me? Great, just fuckin great. When I need my sister she’s busy working.

Walking back to the booth I noticed Cheryl’s gone, maybe she’s dancing with the rest. I drink my martini, and replace Cheryl’s empty glass with the one I brought.

Me: let me know when you’re back then xoxo  Even though she’s being anal I cant be mad at her, she must be stress out with the load of work she has.

K8T: kks

I put my phone back in my purse and headed to the dance floor. I pushed the thought of Kay being so distance and find Nicola and Ray dancing with each other.

“KIIIMMBOOO I THOUGHT YOU LEFT US LIKE CHEZBOMB DID” Nic shouts in my ear a bit too loud.

“nah, just getting more drinks and wait. Cheryl left?” I asked dumbfounded, she left and didn’t even wait for me to get back with the drinks. Or maybe I was too naive not to notice she played me. She agreed to the drink so she could easily make her way out without me noticing her.

“yea she left about 15-20 minutes agoooo” Nic is way too drunk and well Ray is heading the same way.

“Oh, well I think we should all call it a night” yep she definitely played me. Bitch.

I called us all a cap, well not all of us. Just Ray, Nic and I. I could not find the others so I just left practically dragging my two very wasted friends out of the club. Friends?  Yes Kim, Nicola is now your friend and she is not a bitch like Cheryl.

“Nikky, isn’t Kimmy the best sister evaah” Ray mumbles I cant help but smile. I never had a sister but now I have four. Sarah, Nadine, Katy, and my sweet baby Ray. Love them all too much.

“She is” nics says looking at me “Kimmy, will you be my sister too? I don’t have one only chezzacake” she says with a sad smile.

“course babe, now lets get home and ill put you two to bed.” I said moving Nic’s hair off her face.

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