Chapter 19

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Here's next Chapter guys. sorry if its a bit of a short update but i had a little accident.

Kimba's POV

I woke up a few minutes after; it took me a little while to know where I was. I open my eyes and the room still quite dark so it must be dawn still.

I feel a pair of little fingers running through my hair. That must be Cheryl, she's still awake. I really need to know what happened to me.


"yea" she mumbles

"have you not gone back to bed"

"no , im not tired"

"am I too heavy" I ask a worried I might be hurting her.

"nar pet, you are fine" she said and I can tell she smiled.

Time to face the music.

"Cheryl" I said trying to sit up but she stops me

"don't babe, you might hurt yourself" I stayed in the same position with my head on her chest.

"chezzy, please tell me what happened after I woke up, yesterday" I hear her sigh

"Only that it wasn't yesterday" I corrected myself.

"kimba after you woke up remember we talk for a bit and then you started coughing up... blood" I nod, I do remember talking to her but now coughing blood. " I called the nurses and the Doctor right away, they said you were having internal bleeding a-and they h-had to operate on you right away" I don't saying anything I just stay there listening to her trying to hold back tears.

I know she is not telling me everything, I can feel the way she is breathing that it she holding something back. I want the truth.

"What else Cheryl" I asked taking a hold on her hand.

"I- I "

"please chez, the truth" I begged, stroking the back on her hand with my thumb.

"okay" she sigh and speaks up again "after long hours of waiting a doctor came and said t-that they need more blood but the h-hospitals were out of your blood type, t-that y-you only h-had a few more m-minutes" she finish crying. Once again I don't say anything I just hold her hand tighter, crying with her.

After some more crying, I finally manage to find the strength to speak.

"chez please stay with me" I asked. i really don't to want to be alone right now. i wish Katie was here or Ray.

" 'course pet" she said, but I can tell she isn't completely happy with my request. And I don't blame her it is a bit weird having her arms wrapped around me. How many girls can say they have shared bed with each other after finding out their boyfriend has cheated on them with one another? Yea that is right not many. But right now I give zero fucks about how awkward this really is,I just don't want to be left alone.


"promise babe" she kissed my head

I wake up feeling a big dizzy, I look around the room it is pretty freaking bright and it is hurting my eyes. My arms feel a bit sore and a small pain on my chest. I try to move but an arm around my middle stopped me from moving. I started panicking but then I remember last night. I smile crept on my face. Cheryl kept her word and stayed with me the whole night. Oh poor girl I must be squashing her.

"Cheryl" I said in low voice not wanting to scare her.

"hmm" is all her respond.

"are you sleeping"

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