Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

Kimba's POV

" Soooo, do you love her Kim?"

"no, Ray I do not" I smiled, a sad a smile though. Because I do indeed love her and it is so freaking scary.

"oookay Kimmy" she laughs throwing her head back like a little kid.

"its fucking scary though" I confessed

"but why?" she questions.

"oh where to start" I sigh " she's Cheryl Tweedy, The Nation's sweetheart-

"the Geordie Princess, I know all that, kim I was one of her fans" she cuts me " now the real reason you scared"

"People always leave, so why make plans when they're only temporary, plus I have had my heart broken by well, her ex fiancée"

"Is this all because of that fucking asshole, low life mother fooker bastard piece of shit " I laugh at her description of Ashley, which is right on the spot.

"That and the fact that all her life she's been straight"

"well fuck kim, you managed to turn the hottest woman in the UK, not to mention the most wanted by men and women, that's a serious achievement you have there, dude" she puts her hand up for me to high give her but I don't I am blushing like mad.

Ray has a valuable point, I'm not the only one the wants her. she could have pretty much anyone, yet she's with me, why? I don't know.

But maybe I'm just a past-time for her? Someone she's using to get over Ashley? I wonder if she'd say yes if he ever wants her back.

Maybe in some twisted odd way they are meant for each other? They're meant to be. She's taken him back before, even If she's never told me herself. As creepy as this might look like, I have actually googled her and I know, first hand that you never should believe what the tabloids write but some of the stuff I read sound believable and now that I know exactly what I kind of asshole Ashley really is I can safely say I believe most of I have read.

Not only did I read about the multiple times Ashley cheated on Cheryl, but also I read an article that said Cheryl was once pregnant and had a miscarriage, at first I didn't think of it much but as I was reading more another article popped up about her being pregnant but this one caught my attention. As much as my head was telling my heart not to believe it, the feeling it my gut was telling me differently.

Could have ash-

"KIIMM" Ray's hand on the wheel cuts me off of my daydream making me step on the brake as hard as possible, trying not to run the red light.

"what the fuck kim, you're usually the save driver" ray complains.

"sorry I was jus-" again she cuts me off

"yea yea thinking of Cheryl I know, you've got it bad" she stops looks at me and rests her hand on my shoulder before saying "but its LA for fuck's sake, keep your eyes open"

"talk to me" I said, focusing my eyes on the road

"huh?' come from the passenger seat.

"talk to me so my mind doesn't go back to her" I admit.

"okay..... ummm... when did it start?"

"seriously blondie, you're supposed to take my mind off her not talk about her" I laughed.

"riighttt.... Okay, umm when are you going to talk to katy's mom about your dad"

"umm" I was not expecting her to ask that

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