Chapter 14

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Cheryl's POV

I wake up a few hours later to an empty room. I sit up but me head in a killing us. Looking through the window I realized its night time. I wonder where Nic's gone too? Is she in Kim's room? is kim awake now? So many questing running through me mind, and they are all about kimba. As I lay me head back down I hear the toilet being flushed that must be Nic. I close me eyes and wait for Nic to come sit with us.

You know when someone is staring at you? and you don't even have to look coz you can totally feel their eyes on you? well yea that's how I feel right now, someone is definitely staring at us and I for fact know its not Nicola. Should I open me eyes and see who the mystery person is? Something in me guts is telling me I shouldn't, that what's about to come isn't gonna be pretty. But the need to know if Kimba still sleep or not, is way stronger. So with that I slowly open me eyes, just to me greeted by a furious short blonde.

"Oh good you are awake now" Ray says, moving around the bed. She looks pretty pissed off. Nic musta told them.

I don't know what to say, she has the right to be angry with us. I just studied the way she's looking at us. She want to hit us I can see it in her eyes but she knows she can't, not while I'm in a hospital bed anyways.

"what? you cant talk now? You're awake you should be able too, unlike Kimmy! Who is lying in bed with a fucking bullet in her arm. Thanks to you!" she is trying to keep her voice down but I know it wont take longer until it blows up.

"I-" I don't know what I was gonna say but it doesn't matter now, she is screaming at us.


"no no ray no let us explain" I cried but she is having none of it.

"YOU BETTER STAY THE FUCK AWAY, DON'T YOU DARE COME NEAR KIMMY AGAIN, OR I WILL CUT YOU DOWN" she doesn't let us answer, she slams the door behind her.

Why am I even crying? I deserved it, It is us fault that kim has a bullet in her arm and a bloody fucking clutch near her heart, that might cause internal bleeding. Just fan-fucking-tastic, if she dies her blood will be on me. The death of a beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, and lovely woman will be me entire fault. I cant stop the tears from falling, I am gasping for air. Is this what Katy think of us now? Does she think that I did this on purposed, that I hurt kim just to get revenged on Ashley? No. that is just stupid, if I wanted revenge I would have hurt him or something he care....... OMG HE CARES ABOUT KIM THEY MUST THINK I WANTED TO HURT HER JUST TO GET HIM. No no no I need to see Kim I need to explain to her its not true.

"fucking hell, stupid bloody thing" I cursed at the needle in me hand that is attached to some fucking machine.

Just when I hold the door handle to open it I hear Sarah's voice.


"NO SARAH, SHE WONT COME NEAR KIMMY EVER AGAIN, I WLL CUT THAT BITCH DOWN IN ONE" Ray bites back, and I am a strong feeling the bitch is us. I open the door just wide enough to see their shadows on the wall.

"RAY" says sarah in a strong voice but stop taking a deep breath and putting both hands on Ray shoulder so they are arm length from each other. " I am just as mad as you are, I am also hurting here, but what is the point of shouting at Cheryl? That wont make Kimmy wake up. Instead of focusing our negativity on Cheryl, we need to stay positive for kimbers. We both know she wouldn't like seeing us in this state, come on sweet baby ray wipe those eyes and lets go home" she finish, I have not moved on bit, I know I shouldn't be eavesdropping but they are talking about us and well they are practically in front of my room so its not really me fault I overheard their conversation. Ya chezz go with that one.

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