Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Kimba's POV

The length of your recovery is determined by the extent of your injuries. And it's not always successful. No matter how hard we work at it, some wounds might never fully heal. You might have to adjust to a whole new way of living. Things may have changed too radically to ever go back to what they were. You might not even recognize yourself. It's like you haven't recovered anything at all. You're a whole new person with a whole new life.

No matter if they're physical injuries, or sentimental wounds, the pain is pain and sometimes its unbearable. Scars are for life they say, scars that marked your body, scars that that will remind you of that very moment when you hurt yourself. They are also the scars that you don't see, the invisible ones, yet they're shittiest one. The ones that hurt just thinking back to that day, that minute, that second it all went the wrong direction.

They often say, move on and forget, to erase and start new, you can try yea, but you'll never forget how it felt back then. New people may come into your life, some of them might go and leave more scars but some of them will stay and try to cure you from those wounds that you so badly want to heal.

Its been three days since Cheryl's unexpected arrive, and I have been having this mental debate whether to ask Cheryl to be my girlfriend or to wait a couple more days. I know the last concert it's just around the corner, and I don't know if Cheryl is going to stay longer here or if she's going to go back to the UK for some time. I know it's selfish of me but I really don't want her to go back, I want her to stay here with me.

I feel a pair of cold hands wrapped around my waist, letting me know Cheryl has just woken up. I close my eyes enjoying the little light kisses she's leaving on my naked shoulder. Her cold finger finds its way to my tummy and she starts running them up and down making me shiver and making her giggle.

"morning you cheeky monkey" I said opening my eyes and giving her a quick peck.

"well, it's not necessarily morning, but morning to you too babe" cheryl says before jumping on top of me.

"whats with you? you're a bit hyper this morning" I giggle as Cheryl is doing crazy hair whips

"again not morning pet, and I don't know, I feel happy" now she's attacking me with kisses all over my face.

"alright alright get off me" I push her off, earning the biggest pout of history.

I push her hands over her head and kiss her pout. gosh I love kissing her. i was about to deepen the kiss when she turns her face and laughing she says " morning breath"

"cherylll" I gasp covering my mouth, completely embarrassed by her comment.

"haha Kimba babe I was only joking" she laughs again, I honestly don't find it funny.

"hmm" I say before heading to the door.

"kimbaa" she calls and before I know she standing in front of me, impeding me to get to the door.

"oh come on babe, don't be moody with us"

"I know" I half smile, well tried to anyways.

"liar" she tells calls me

"che-" im not able to finish because Cheryl threw herself at me, wrapping her legs around me and backing me up a little bit.

She's roughly kissing my neck and slowing turning me on.

"I want you" she whispers, leaving a trail of kisses from my ear to my neck and my jawline and without hesitation she kisses me hard and dives her tongue in my mouth in a nanosecond.

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