Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Kimba's POV

I don't understand why hearing her called out for Ashley or even Tre hurt my heart so much? I mean yea sure I like her, but I don't lover her. Or at least I don't think I do. It is way too soon to love her, it didn't take me long to fall for Ashley and well you know how shitty that ended. So loving her isn't an option, its not a risk I am willing to take, at least not now, not when surely she isn't over Ashley. But then again, who am I to say anything, I don't even know if I'm over Ashley, I haven't had time to even think about him. What's gonna happen when Cheryl needs to go back to the UK, then what? I am left with nothing but my own dangerous thoughts. then its gonna hit me that maybe I am not over Ashley.

I loud noise from the other side of the door shakes me from my thoughts. and the I hear it, cheyrl's voice full of concern,

"kimba Kimba please don't let him hurt us" she cries, knocking on her door. "please Kimba don't let him hurt us" she says again.

I bring myself up and open the door; she doesn't even let me say anything. She throws herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck, burying her face in my hair. I gasp at the intense contact, it so strong that makes me take two steps back.

"Cheryl what is wrong, who's gonna hurt you?" I ask, rubbing her back. I know I am beyond upset at her but seeing her like this breaks my heart and all I want to do is protect her.

"A-ashley" she says between sobs. I tried breaking the hug but she doesn't let me she hugs me even tighter.

"no no don't leave us please don't , I beg you" she's crying so hard, her body is becoming heavier, she's practically hanging from my neck.

"chez baby" I sweetly says placing kisses on her hair. "No one is gonna hurt you"

"yes he's after us, shouting I heard shouting out side" she says. And tried calming her down throwing a few ssh's and baby's and its okay's but she's still crying, shaking and now sweating, I have managed to get us sitting on floor, well she is basically sitting on me, with her head on my chest and holding onto me very tight.

We hear people talking outside the room and this makes Cheryl dig her head deeper in my chest.

" Please please make him go away" she whispers and my heart breaks at how vulnerable she is right now, how scares she is of Ashley. Makes me wonder what really went down between them two behind closed door. The thought of Ashley physically hurting her enters my mind but I pushed out, I don't want it to be truth but the state Cheryl is in right now shows that I might be right.

"shh baby its okay I am here" I whisper

"don't let him hurt us kim please don't" she brings her head up and looks at me. Her eyes showing nothing but pure fear.

"I won't I promise" I say and she nods, closing her eyes as more tears fall freely down her flawless eyes.

"you dumbfuck" comes from a voice outside the room and Cheryl jumps scaring the life out of me.

"No more no more" she says shaking her head and covering her ear with her little hands.

I really don't know if Cheryl still under the influence of whatever the drug they slipped into her drink or what but she really is scaring me. Its like she's reliving memories.

"come on, come to bed with me" I said but she shakes her head.

"please Cheryl, I wont hurt you, I promise" I said kissing her on the forehead, this makes her open her eyes and looks at me, maybe she's trying to see if im lying.

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