Chapter 31

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Cheryl's POV

This is it, it's time to have that overdue conversation I have been forever dodging. In a way I'm kind of relief because I get to be completely honest with her about me feelings even If that means breaking me own heart. If she does reject us I don't know what I would do, I mean surely she must have some sort of feeling towards us, that or she really is a good actress, making us think she likes us, leading us on to nothing.

Im literally shittin' meself, what I feel for Kimba is stronger than I thought it was. I can safely say I love her, of course I do, she is a very lovable, sweet, and caring girl, But I can't say im in love with her. The scary thing is; that its looks like im heading that way.

"I'll order us some wine. Yea" Kimba say knocking on the bathroom door.

" White, please babe" I shout back. I've been sitting on the bathtub for quite some time now, over thinking what im gonna say to her. I refresh me face once more and open the door.

"Now or never" I sigh

I walk out and I see Kimba standing in front of the window. I think she heard us because she turns around facing me with a nervous smile she says "gorgeous is it"

"aye" is all I manage to say

"chill chez, don't look so nervous" she half smiles

"I'm shittin meself Kimba" I admit looking down at me hands

"hey hey hey. Come here" she says sitting on the edge of the window; I do the same sitting next to her.

I lick the corner of me mouth, something I tempt to do when im nervous as fuck.

"hey, I don't bite, unless you want me too" she says and I let out a little giggle.

I bring me head up and find meself reflected in those gorgeous eyes of hers. They seem to go on forever, making meself get lost in them. She brings her hand to cup me cheek and I automatically lead in her touch.

I look straight in her eyes and I feel as if she's trying to tell me all the unspoken words and feelings just with one look.

As we are both leading in for a kiss, there's a knock on the door signalizing that the wine has arrive.

"sorry" she mouthed and leaves to get the door.

I buried me face in me hands.

"you coming?" questions Kimba, filling the two glasses with wine.

If this all goes wrong, tonight's surprise will be fucked I think to melself and me palms are sweating...

"wine first, then talk?" I say, sitting on the edge of the bed

"okay, perfect"

"yea you are" I murmured

Sitting next to me she pinches me cheeks before saying "you're just adorable"

I smile at her and take a small sip of me wine glass.

We're both in a comfortable silent just holding each other's hands, I don't know but holding her hand make us calm, she has some kind of effect on us, in more than other ways.

If this talk goes well, I will be the luckiest ever. Kim is such a lovely person, and not to mention how incredible sexy she is. Girl got curves to die for. Those lips and those hips are just perfect. I really don't why Justin would ever cheat on her, or why Lindsay would just have a one night stand when she could have had the whole deal, its just stupid.

I know Ashley has been calling her and trying to get her back with her, also I know she's still hurting because truth be told- so am I.
BUT being close to her makes the pain hurt a little less, I just hope its the same for her.

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