Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Kimba's POV

New beginnings. They happen every year, thanks to the calendar. Just set your watch to January. Our reward for surviving the entire year is the holiday season of Christmas and New Year. Revealing the amazing yet overrated tradition of New Year's resolutions, to put our past behind us, and start all over. A chance to put the problems of last year to bed, with the good ol' saying "new year, new me"

But really, who gets to define when the old ends and the new begin? It's not a day on a calendar, not a birthday, not a new year. It's an event you create yourself. Big or small, take your chances; take a wild risk in life. Something that really changes us. Ideally, it gives us all a brand new hope.

A new way of living your life, a change of the view you had of the world before, letting go of old habits, old memories, regrets. The most important is that we never stop believing we can have a new beginning, it is up to us to change the way we feel, the way we want other to see us, the way we want our loved us to feel towards us.

But you can never forget to remember that amid all the crap, they are a few things really worth holding on to, to keep your feet on the ground, to know where you stand, and know your opinion its worth. No matter what other says, no matter what the new trend is, do what makes you happy, or even plan for that day to come when you can actually be happy.

Be with the person you love, be around those who make you feel alive, make you smile, make you laugh when you're 'bout to cry. Hold on to those people, the one that are worth having, those are the one worth fighting for.

Speaking of those people who make you world go around, there is Rachel, trying to knock the door down

"get you motherfookin lazy ass up Kim" lovely way to wake up.

" I'm up, I'm up, jee woman" I groaned.

Even though I have been up since quite early this morning, I can't remember the last time I woke up and really enjoy myself, but I guess not everything is unicorns and rainbows right?

New year's eve, I really can't be arsed to do shit, today. Everyone is buzzing 'bout and getting the party supplies ready for the New Year's party Kay is hosting here.

I know I only have to wait a bit longer for chez to be here, but right now I really would give anything and everything for her to be here. these past couple days I have terribly missed her, yea we talk, and skype but it is so not the same, gosh its not even compare to the real thing.

That night after visiting Linds at the clinic center Cheryl and I skyped, I explained everything to her, why I went to see her linds, at first she was a bit upset, she kept denying it but it was obvious she was upset but thankfully after I explained she was a little more relax.

She admitted of being jealous which I thought was the cutest thing ever, adding to that, that cute pout of hers. My god, I died just then and there. She is seriously the cutest; just thinking about her brings a smile to my face, if only she could be here with me today, well not just today but every day. Ha nice one, I think to myself, I know being with Cheryl will be just the way it was when I was with Ashley. She has all her life in the UK and well her career is barely starting here, so if she doesn't make it big here she's going to have to go back to where she came from, although I doubt her not making it big. Girl is very talented and Katy's fans love her, soon enough she'll have fans of her own. I, being one of them, before I even knew who she was I really thought she had a beautiful voice, that is why I picked her demo from all the hundreds Kay got.

"Kimmy?"  I hear Ray's voice once again, but this time her voice is gentle which is only means she wants something.

"What do you want woman?" I shout, getting out of bed.

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