chapter 6

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Cheryl's POV

"Then I'm afraid I can't let you in" said the bouncer who to be honest looks no older than twenty year old

"don't need a ticket to get in" said Kim taking her shades off.

"Sorry miss everyone needs a ticket"

"Not me, is there any way you could contact my little brother" She asked with an evil glance in her eyes. Nicola and I are just standing there not knowing what to do.

"what's his name" asked the boy looking down at his Notepad.

"Adam, Adam Walsh" she smirked and looked at us with a cocky smile.

"Adam Walsh" repeated the boy looking up from the notepad with a surprised face. I guess he wasn't expecting that. Way to drop famous people names, I thought. I wonder if me little bother Gary had ever used me name to get in somewhere. I was brought out of my thoughts when I hear Kim speak again "you know what, forget it. Is Alex working" she asked putting her shades back on


"big Alex? You must be new kid"

"Oh yea, h- he is next door" poor thing kim is being a right bitch.

"Right, and you might wanna check my name up "Kim Walsh" for next time" Rude much, I said to myself but, hey this girl is getting us in so whatever floats her boat.

we are walking to the next door when I we hear little girl saying "oh my gosh oh my gosh" oh no she must know who I am...This is not good, I don't want people knowing I'm in la. The three of us turn to see the jumpy wee girl.

She's running toward us and for a minute I think she's gonna jump on me but I'm wrong she goes straight to Kim. Wrapping her wee arms around Kim's legs. Kind of awkward if you ask me, since kim is wearing a dress.

"Oh hello there sunshine" Kim says kneeling to an eye level with the little girl who seems not older than six.

"You-you are real, you're Princess Fiona" the little girl says touching kims face. Too cute.

"Yes! That would be me, but for now I'm just Kim" she says picking her up and holding her in her arms.

"can I have a picture with you and your autograph Kimmy?" Autograph ? Is she some kind of famous actress. Hmmmm interesting.

"course sweetie, what's your name and where you from coz your accent isn't from somewhere near here" all American sound the same to us, expect for Kim she sounds like she's from somewhere near Yorkshire.

"Kenzie and no I'm from new York but my big sissy lives here. I went your show in New York" Nic is just smiling like an idiot, she has always loved little kids.

"and did you like it" said Kim handing the little book back

"can I have your autograph too?" Kenzie asked Nicola and then me .

"of course baby" Nic took the little book signed it then passed to us, where i wrote "keep calm and solider on, little princess. Love Cheryl Tweedy xxx" I look up and now Kenzie is in Nics arms playing with her hair.

"here ya go babez" I gave the book back.

"thank you, I like your hair is sooo pretty " she said to Nicola making us smile.

"Oooh and you have a pretty face and these holes are cute" she says poking us in the cheeks where me dimples are which I laugh and makes Me dimples appear one more time.

"Thank you that is very sweet of you to say, and I think you are a very beautiful young lady" I said while trying to get her off Nicola's arm. It was useless Nic isn't letting go. Bitch.

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