Chapter 15

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Cheryl's POV

I have just left the girls; I cannot just sit around and wait for them to say kimba's has gone to heaven. I need to at least try and find someone that matches kim's blood type. Shit shit shit, I don't even know her blood type. I quickly change into the clothes I had yesterday and sprint down to the hospital lobby.

"Excuse us, can you please let us Kimberley Walsh blood type? I heard she needs a blood transmission as soonest possible" trying to keep me voice calm but confident.

"I am afraid I cannot tell you, that's confidential" didn't think it would be that easy.

" I understand, can at least please tell me what room is she in?" Kim's still in the OR but well, this would make her look at the screen again.

"yes, she is in room- sorry miss she is still in the OR" You are a genius Cheryl.

"thank you" I turned me back with a big grin on me face.

Just what I need.

"SOPHIAAA" I am running trying to catch up with the paramedic that helped kim and I. shit I hope that's her name.

"yes" she turns around confused.

"Kimba, I mean Kimberley she needs a blood transmission and all the hospitals around the area are out of it. but I ca-can help. She's AB and Im A. Please please let me help us" the only thing I know about blood transmission is that AB can only donate too AB patients and A can only donate to A and or AB patients. How I know this? I had to do a project in school.

"A-are you sure?" Sophia asks, a bit taken back by with and to be honest so am I. I don't know how I even managed to think of this coz me mind was pretty fucked up 5 minutes ago.

"Yes, yes. What do I need to do?"

"Right then, if you are sure" I just nod.

"we only have a couple of minutes so I wont have time to weight you or measure you, if you can please tell me how your weight and height please. It will help to calculate how much blood you can donate"

"whatever Kim needs" I said. I don't care how much they take out of us, as long as Kim is safe.

"We can't Miss, I need to know. We don't want to go over the limit and well it won't be good for you" if I tell them me real weight and Height the probably wont have enough bloody for Kimba...

" 125 and 5ft 5" I lied straight out me teeth. She gives us a strange look but doesn't question it.

"okay you need to change but we will do that once there. You are gonna be in the same OR as Miss Walsh because we wont have time to waste carrying the blood from one room to another" Sophia says already walking and I am struggling to keep up with her.

We are down in the room and I can see kimba lying there with doctors and nurses around her.

"wait miss, I forgot to ask. Does anyone know you are doing this? Just in case?"

"yes of course, Nicola is me emergency call and she already knows" whoa there goes another lie. I am shocked how calm that sounded.

I am now getting changed, the only have 20 minutes max for kim and I am so so scared this wont make any different but I gotta try, I gotta try and safe life like she safe us.

"ready?" Sophia breaks me outa me thoughts.

"Yes, but can do it on me right hand so I can hold's Kims? Oh and can you save the clutch once its out? It was a gift from her mother, Oohh and I don't want to be put asleep" so many requests as if I'm gonna die.

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