Chapter 48

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Cheryl's POV

I wasn't wrong, it is an abandoned gym, I see the basketball court, im standing in the dance floor, and on the right side of the is the ballet area.

"Oh its you" a voice from behind makes turn us.

"excuse us"? I frown at the kid behind us, I can't remember ever meeting him.

"Here" he pushes an envelope and a rose on me chest.

"better fuckin watch it" he says leaving us there, dumbfounded. I've never met him, not that I remember anyways, why would he treat us like that.

Whatever I'm won't let it get to us.

placing the pink envelope in me purse with the other ones I look up as a light is turned on in a room that looks like a office.

All i see is red hair and it's gots to be Nicola's. she's in this too. That's why she was acting so weird back at home.

"cheeky git" I chuckle.

I read the little note attached to the last rose.

Finally my princess has arrived.

you sure took your time ;)

come up the stairs, there are a few things I want to share.

make me wait no more, and lets get this show on the road.

just hurry the fuck up, im shitting myself waiti for your ass.

Love- your kimba xxx

I chuckle a little at the note, I'm also shittin meself. I'm so nervous I can only imagine How she may be feeling, since she's the one who organized this for us.

I start walking across the gym to the weird and not so safe staircase.

I'm shaking so bad and I don't even know why. I mean, it's not like she's gonna ask us to marry her, Id probably say yes if she asked us, anyways. The way I feel towards her is unbelievably strong, it's scared us to death because I have never felt like this ever in me life. No one in me last relationships made us feel the way that gorgeous blonde standing by the beautiful table makes us feel.

it's like I'm walking in slow motion and she's just standing there in her sexy black dress.

Me hands are shaking, Im falI falling hard for this chick. I feel too nervous to even speak.

"you look beautiful tonight" she says and then I'm feel perfectly fine. Me hands are still shaking but I feel so much more relaxed.

"you look divine um dazzling I-" divine really Cheryl ? Dazzling? Who am I.

"you look gorgeous, Kim" she blushes. My God, I love it so much when she blushes.

" we can just skip to the part where I fuck you all night long?" I didn't mean to say that it just came out.

But who can blame us, she's looking seductive, desirable, so sensual, provocative, and so fuckable. I'm definitely gettin' some tonight.

"Cheryl!!" She's giggling covering her,face.

"Im sorry Kim, I'm such a such bloke, aren't I" I feel shame of me own thoughts. "but you just look so good" I smile.

"you look amazing as well" she says taking us in her arms and I feel this warm feeling in me heart. She's the one, no doubt about it.

she's about to pull away but I pull her back in to the hug. I squeeze the crap out her but she doesn't seem to care, she's hugging us back just as tight.

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