Chapter 3

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Kims POV

It's been three months since that party and I couldn't be any happier. Ashley has been so lovely, he really is a keeper but what really scares me is now fast I'm getting over my 5 year relationship and not to mention that I might be falling for Ashley, fast and hard. We've been secretly seeing each other for two months now and the only people who know are obviously my dearly friend Ray and her now boyfriend Luke. See, Ashley wanted to keep our relationship on the DL, he doesn't want other people noses in our business. Which I am pretty happy about. Nothing much has really happened in the past few months, I got to see my two best friends Nadz and my lunatic friend Sarah. Ouch even my liver hurts when I think of her name. That girl can get you drink in no time. As crazy as she is, I love her to death; both of them. I feel bad not telling them about Ashley but I know what they are like. Sarah, of course will find the dirty side of it and then there is Nadz who would be worried about it been too soon. Even I think It's a little bit too soon but hey, what can you; the heart wants what the heart wants. Right now he's all the way in England doing some training with Chelsea football club, and to be honesty I really hope he doesn't get in the team. I mean yea it'd be amazing for him but that mean he is gonna have to move and live there. He asked if I'd go and visit him if he did get in, I said yes because I didnt know what to say. I really don't think I'm ready to go back to England, I don't even know why we left in the first place but I will definitely find out soon. I haven't gone back there since my mum decided to bring me and my little brother here almost 16 years ago and I still remember the night she told me we we're coming to the states.

"muumm!!? Muummm!?" I shouted running down stairs.

"Kim, I'm right here you don't have to shout you know" she said moving so I could sit next to her on the couch

"Sorry mummy" I smiled

"it's ok, why were you shouting just then"

"Adam, he's not in his room"

"oh, he's at Harrys for the night" said my mum turning to the telly to watch her show.

"WHAT BUT WHY MUM WE HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW" I said angry because we had school tomorrow and it's not fair.

"Kimmy baby come here" my mum said gesturing me to sit on her lap.

"Kim" she tried again I was still standing

"fine" I sat on her lap she wrapped her arms around me and rested her Chin on my shoulder.

" kim, baby look" mum said in a serious tone "I think you and your brother have work really hard on school and I was thinking maybe, we could all go on a holyday" she continued by this time I wasn't mad anymore I was excited she's taking us on a holiday.

"where are we going mum" I said bouncing up and down.

"are we going to the sea" I asked excited

"no., honey further than that" she said and I didn't let her fishing I started guessing

"are we going to Spain? Norway? Sweden?" she just shake her head and said "further than that baby"

I looked at her in shock and said " ARE WE GOING TO CHINA MUM?" she looked at me and burst out laughing.

"oh good one kimmy, now if you let me finish ill tell you yea?" I just nodded

" we are going to the US" she said and my jaw hit the ground

"as in- in America?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing im going to America ayyyy!!

CHIM- LOVE-HATEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora